import javafx.application.Application; import javafx.scene.Scene; import javafx.scene.layout.Pane; import javafx.stage.Stage; import javafx.scene.canvas.Canvas; import javafx.scene.canvas.GraphicsContext; import javafx.scene.input.KeyCode; import javafx.animation.AnimationTimer; import javafx.scene.paint.Color; /** * This program implements a simple arcade game in which the user tries to blow * up a "submarine" (a black oval) by dropping "depth charges" (a red disk) from * a "boat" (a blue roundrect). The user moves the boat with the left- and * right-arrow keys and drops the depth charge with the down-arrow key. * The sub moves left and right erratically along the bottom of the canvas. */ public class SubKiller extends Application { public static void main(String[] args) { launch(args); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ private AnimationTimer timer; // AnimationTimer that drives the animation. private final int width = 640, height = 480; // The size of the canvas private Boat boat; // The boat, bomb, and sub objects are defined private Bomb bomb; // by nested classes Boat, Bomb, and Submarine, private Submarine sub; // which are defined later in this class. private Canvas canvas; // The canvas where everything is drawn. private Stage stage; // This program's window. /** * Start method creates the window content and configures event listening. */ public void start(Stage stage) { /* Create objects. */ boat = new Boat(); sub = new Submarine(); bomb = new Bomb(); canvas = new Canvas(width,height); this.stage = stage; /* Set up the GUI */ Pane root = new Pane(canvas); Scene scene = new Scene(root); stage.setScene(scene); stage.setTitle("Sub Killer -- Use arrow keys to play!"); stage.setResizable(false); /* Configure event listeners and animation. */ scene.setOnKeyPressed( evt -> { // The key listener responds to keyPressed events on the canvas. Only // the left-, right-, and down-arrow keys have any effect. The left- and // right-arrow keys move the boat while down-arrow releases the bomb. KeyCode code = evt.getCode(); // Which key was pressed? if (code == KeyCode.LEFT) { // Move the boat left. (If this moves the boat out of the frame, its // position will be adjusted in the boat.updateForNewFrame() method.) boat.centerX -= 15; } else if (code == KeyCode.RIGHT) { // Move the boat right. (If this moves boat out of the frame, its // position will be adjusted in the boat.updateForNewFrame() method.) boat.centerX += 15; } else if (code == KeyCode.DOWN) { // Start the bomb falling, if it is not already falling. if ( bomb.isFalling == false ) bomb.isFalling = true; } } ); stage.focusedProperty().addListener( (obj,oldVal,newVal) -> { // This listener turns the animation off when this program's // window does not have the input focus. if (newVal) { // The window has gained focus. timer.start(); } else { // The window has lost focus. timer.stop(); } draw(); // Appearance changes depending on focus. }); timer = new AnimationTimer( ) { // The handle method is called once per frame while the // animation is running. There should be about 60 // frames per second. long previousFrameTime; public void handle(long time) { if (time - previousFrameTime > 0.95e9/60) { // The test in the if is to guard against a bug that has shown // up in some versions of JavaFX on some computers. The bug allows // the handle() method to be called many times more than the 60 times // per second that is specified in the JavaFX documentation. The // test throttles the frame rate to 60 per second, in case JavaFX // is not already doing that. It should not be necessary. boat.updateForNewFrame(); bomb.updateForNewFrame(); sub.updateForNewFrame(); draw(); previousFrameTime = time; } } }; /* Show the window. */; timer.start(); // (Start animation -- probably redundant, since // focus listener should be called when window opens.) } // end start() /** * The draw() method draws the current state of the game. It * draws a gray or cyan border around the canvas to indicate whether or not * the window has the input focus. It draws the boat, sub, and bomb by * calling their respective draw() methods. This method is called in * each frame and when the window gains or loses focus. */ public void draw() { GraphicsContext g = canvas.getGraphicsContext2D(); g.setFill(Color.rgb(0,200,0)); // Fill with green, erasing previous frame. g.fillRect(0,0,width,height); if (stage.isFocused()) { // draw a CYAN border on the window when the window has focus. g.setStroke(Color.CYAN); } else { // Draw gray border and a message when window does not have focus. g.setFill(Color.BLACK); g.fillText("(ANIMATION PAUSED)", 20, 30); g.setStroke(Color.DARKGRAY); } g.setLineWidth(3); g.strokeRect(1.5,1.5,width-3,height-3); // Draw a 3-pixel border. boat.draw(g); // The three objects draw themselves. sub.draw(g); bomb.draw(g); } // end draw() /** * This nested class defines the boat. */ private class Boat { int centerX, centerY; // Current position of the center of the boat. Boat() { // Constructor centers the boat horizontally, 80 pixels from top. centerX = width/2; centerY = 80; } void updateForNewFrame() { // Makes sure boat has not moved off screen. if (centerX < 0) centerX = 0; else if (centerX > width) centerX = width; } void draw(GraphicsContext g) { // Draws the boat at its current location. g.setFill(Color.BLUE); g.fillRoundRect(centerX - 40, centerY - 20, 80, 40, 20, 20); } } // end nested class Boat /** * This nested class defines the bomb. */ private class Bomb { int centerX, centerY; // Current position of the center of the bomb. boolean isFalling; // If true, the bomb is falling; if false, it // is attached to the boat. Bomb() { // Constructor creates a bomb that is initially attached to boat. isFalling = false; } void updateForNewFrame() { // If bomb is falling, take appropriate action. if (isFalling) { if (centerY > height) { // Bomb has missed the submarine. It is returned to its // initial state, with isFalling equal to false. isFalling = false; } else if (Math.abs(centerX - sub.centerX) <= 36 && Math.abs(centerY - sub.centerY) <= 21) { // Bomb has hit the submarine. The submarine // enters the "isExploding" state. sub.isExploding = true; sub.explosionFrameNumber = 1; isFalling = false; // Bomb reappears on the boat. } else { // If the bomb has not fallen off the canvas or hit the // sub, then it is moved down 6 pixels. centerY += 6; } } } void draw(GraphicsContext g) { // Draw the bomb. if ( ! isFalling ) { // If not falling, set centerX and centerY // to show the bomb on the bottom of the boat. centerX = boat.centerX; centerY = boat.centerY + 23; } g.setFill(Color.RED); g.fillOval(centerX - 8, centerY - 8, 16, 16); } } // end nested class Bomb /** * This nested class defines the sub. */ private class Submarine { int centerX, centerY; // Current position of the center of the sub. boolean isMovingLeft; // Tells whether the sub is moving left or right boolean isExploding; // Set to true when the sub is hit by the bomb. int explosionFrameNumber; // If the sub is exploding, this is the number // of frames since the explosion started. Submarine() { // Create the sub at a random x-coordinate, 40 pixels from bottom. centerX = (int)(width*Math.random()); centerY = height - 40; isExploding = false; isMovingLeft = (Math.random() < 0.5); } void updateForNewFrame() { // Move sub or increase explosionFrameNumber. if (isExploding) { // If the sub is exploding, add 1 to explosionFrameNumber. // When the number reaches 25, the explosion ends and the // sub reappears in a random position. explosionFrameNumber++; if (explosionFrameNumber == 25) { centerX = (int)(width*Math.random()); centerY = height - 40; isExploding = false; isMovingLeft = (Math.random() < 0.5); } } else { // Move the sub. if (Math.random() < 0.02) { // In one frame out of every 50, on average, the sub // reverses its direction of motion. isMovingLeft = ! isMovingLeft; } if (isMovingLeft) { // Move the sub 3 pixels to the left. If it moves off // the left edge of the canvas, move it back to the left // edge and start it moving to the right. centerX -= 3; if (centerX <= 0) { centerX = 0; isMovingLeft = false; } } else { // Move the sub 3 pixels to the right. If it moves off // the right edge of the canvas, move it back to the right // edge and start it moving to the left. centerX += 3; if (centerX > width) { centerX = width; isMovingLeft = true; } } } } void draw(GraphicsContext g) { // Draw sub and, if it is exploding, the explosion. g.setFill(Color.BLACK); g.fillOval(centerX - 30, centerY - 15, 60, 30); if (isExploding) { // Draw an "explosion" that grows in size as the number of // frames since the start of the explosion increases. g.setFill(Color.YELLOW); g.fillOval(centerX - 3*explosionFrameNumber, centerY - 1.5*explosionFrameNumber, 6*explosionFrameNumber, 3*explosionFrameNumber); g.setFill(Color.RED); g.fillOval(centerX - 1.5*explosionFrameNumber, centerY - explosionFrameNumber/2, 3*explosionFrameNumber, explosionFrameNumber); } } } // end nested class Submarine } // end class SubKiller