import javafx.application.Application; import javafx.stage.Stage; import javafx.scene.Scene; import javafx.scene.control.Menu; import javafx.scene.control.MenuBar; import javafx.scene.control.MenuItem; import javafx.scene.control.SeparatorMenuItem; import javafx.scene.control.CheckMenuItem; import javafx.scene.control.RadioMenuItem; import javafx.scene.control.Toggle; import javafx.scene.control.ToggleGroup; import javafx.scene.input.MouseEvent; import javafx.scene.layout.BorderPane; import javafx.scene.paint.Color; /** * MosaicDraw is a JavaFX Application whose scene includes a MosaicCanvas and a * MenuBar. The mosaic is made up of rows and columns of squares. The user * can click-and-drag the mouse to color the squares. A menu bar with some * options is shown at the top of the window. * * Note that this class depends on */ public class MosaicDraw extends Application { public static void main(String[] args) { launch(args); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- private final static int ROWS = 40; // rows in the mosaic private final static int COLUMNS = 40; // columns in the mosaic private final static int SQUARE_SIZE = 15; // size of each square private final static int DRAW_TOOL = 0; // possible values for currentTool private final static int ERASE_TOOL = 1; private final static int DRAW_3x3_TOOL = 2; private final static int ERASE_3x3_TOOL = 3; private int currentTool; // The current tool; this is changed when the // user makes a selection from the Tools menu. private int currentRed, currentGreen, currentBlue; // The current color. // These change when the user selects from the Color menu // They are used whenever a square is painted. (NOTE: // I am using three integers to represent the color, rather // than a variable of type Color, to make it easier to add // in the random color variation.) private MosaicCanvas mosaic; // The panel where the drawing takes place. private CheckMenuItem useRandomness; // If selected, then a small random variation is // added to the current color whenever a // square is painted. This menu item is added // to the Control menu in createMenuBar(). private CheckMenuItem useSymmetry; // If selected, then whenever a square is painted // or erased, the three symmetrical squares // obtained by reflecting the square vertically // and horizontally are also painted or erased. // This menu item is added to the Control menu // in createMenuBar(). /** * Create the canvas and menu bar and add them to the window. * Set up mouse handling on the canvas. */ public void start(Stage stage) { mosaic = new MosaicCanvas(ROWS, COLUMNS, SQUARE_SIZE, SQUARE_SIZE); mosaic.setOnMousePressed( e -> doMouse(e)); mosaic.setOnMouseDragged( e -> doMouse(e)); mosaic.clear(); currentRed = 255; currentGreen = 0; currentBlue = 0; BorderPane root = new BorderPane(); Scene scene = new Scene(root); root.setCenter(mosaic); root.setTop( createMenuBar() ); stage.setTitle("Mosaic Draw"); stage.setScene(scene); stage.setResizable(false); stage.setX(150); // Put the window at screen coords (150,100). stage.setY(100);; } /** * Creates and returns a menu bar that contains options that affect the * drawing that is done on the MosaicCanvas. */ private MenuBar createMenuBar() { MenuBar menuBar = new MenuBar(); Menu controlMenu = new Menu("Control"); MenuItem fill = new MenuItem("Fill"); controlMenu.getItems().add(fill); fill.setOnAction(e -> doFill()); MenuItem clear = new MenuItem("Clear"); controlMenu.getItems().add(clear); clear.setOnAction(e -> mosaic.clear()); controlMenu.getItems().add(new SeparatorMenuItem()); useRandomness = new CheckMenuItem("Use Randomness"); useRandomness.setSelected(true); useSymmetry = new CheckMenuItem("Use Symmetry"); CheckMenuItem useGrouting = new CheckMenuItem("Use Grouting"); mosaic.setGroutingColor(null); // turn off grouting to match state of menu item useGrouting.setOnAction( e -> doUseGrouting(useGrouting.isSelected())); controlMenu.getItems().addAll(useRandomness, useSymmetry, useGrouting); Menu colorMenu = new Menu("Color"); String[] colorNames = { "Red", "Green", "Blue", "Cyan", "Magenta", "Yellow", "Gray" }; ToggleGroup colorGroup = new ToggleGroup(); for (int i = 0; i < colorNames.length; i++) { String colorName = colorNames[i]; RadioMenuItem item = new RadioMenuItem(colorName); item.setOnAction( e -> doColorChoice(colorName) ); item.setToggleGroup(colorGroup); colorMenu.getItems().add(item); if (i == 0) item.setSelected(true); } Menu toolMenu = new Menu("Tools"); ToggleGroup toolGroup = new ToggleGroup(); toolGroup.selectedToggleProperty().addListener( e -> doToolChoice(toolGroup.getSelectedToggle()) ); addRadioMenuItem(toolMenu,"Draw",toolGroup, true); addRadioMenuItem(toolMenu,"Erase",toolGroup, false); addRadioMenuItem(toolMenu,"Draw 3x3",toolGroup, false); addRadioMenuItem(toolMenu,"Erase 3x3",toolGroup, false); menuBar.getMenus().addAll(controlMenu,colorMenu,toolMenu); return menuBar; } // end createMenuBar() /** * Utility method to create a radio menu item, add it to a ToggleGroup, and add it to a menu. */ private void addRadioMenuItem(Menu menu, String command, ToggleGroup group, boolean selected) { RadioMenuItem menuItem = new RadioMenuItem(command); menuItem.setToggleGroup(group); menu.getItems().add(menuItem); if (selected) { menuItem.setSelected(true); } } /** * Erases the square in a specified row and column. If symmetry is turned * on, the three symmetrical squares are also erased. */ private void eraseSquare(int row, int col) { mosaic.setColor(row, col, null); if (useSymmetry.isSelected()) { mosaic.setColor(mosaic.getRowCount() - 1 - row, col, null); mosaic.setColor(row, mosaic.getColumnCount() - 1 - col, null); mosaic.setColor(mosaic.getRowCount() - 1 - row, mosaic.getColumnCount() - 1 - col, null); } } /** * Applies the current drawing color to the square in a given row and column. * If randomness is turned on, a random amount is added to the red, green, and * blue components of the drawing color. If symmetry is turned on, then the * three symmetrical squares are also painted. */ private void paintSquare(int row, int col) { int r = currentRed; int g = currentGreen; int b = currentBlue; if (useRandomness.isSelected()) { if (r < 60) r = (int)(60*Math.random()); else if (r > 255-60) r = 255 - (int)(60*Math.random()); else r = r + (int)(60*Math.random() - 30); if (g < 60) g = (int)(60*Math.random()); else if (g > 255-60) g = 255 - (int)(60*Math.random()); else g = g + (int)(60*Math.random() - 30); if (b < 60) b = (int)(60*Math.random()); else if (b > 255-60) b = 255 - (int)(60*Math.random()); else b = b + (int)(60*Math.random() - 30); } Color color = Color.rgb(r,g,b); mosaic.setColor(row, col, color); if (useSymmetry.isSelected()) { mosaic.setColor(mosaic.getRowCount() - 1 - row, col, color); mosaic.setColor(row, mosaic.getColumnCount() - 1 - col, color); mosaic.setColor(mosaic.getRowCount() - 1 - row, mosaic.getColumnCount() - 1 - col, color); } } /** * This method is called when the user clicks the mouse or drags it over the * square in the specified row and column. It takes the appropriate action, * depending on which drawing tool is currently selected. */ private void applyCurrentTool(int row, int col) { int minrow, mincol, maxrow, maxcol; switch (currentTool) { case DRAW_TOOL: paintSquare(row,col); break; case ERASE_TOOL: eraseSquare(row,col); break; case DRAW_3x3_TOOL: minrow = Math.max(0, row-1); maxrow = Math.min(mosaic.getRowCount()-1, row+1); mincol = Math.max(0, col-1); maxcol = Math.min(mosaic.getColumnCount()-1, col+1); for (int i = minrow; i <= maxrow; i++) for (int j = mincol; j <= maxcol; j++) paintSquare(i,j); break; case ERASE_3x3_TOOL: minrow = Math.max(0, row-1); maxrow = Math.min(mosaic.getRowCount()-1, row+1); mincol = Math.max(0, col-1); maxcol = Math.min(mosaic.getColumnCount()-1, col+1); for (int i = minrow; i <= maxrow; i++) for (int j = mincol; j <= maxcol; j++) eraseSquare(i,j); break; } } /** * Fill the mosaic with squares of the current drawing color. * (If symmetry is on, each square actually has its color set * four times, so efficiency could be improved!) */ private void doFill() { mosaic.setAutopaint(false); // Turning off autopaint lets all the squares // be draws without inserting any delays; // when autopaint is on, there is a one // millisecond delay for each square drawn. for (int row = 0; row < mosaic.getRowCount(); row++) for (int col = 0; col < mosaic.getColumnCount(); col++) paintSquare(row,col); mosaic.setAutopaint(true); } /** * Apply the current tool to the square that contains the mouse pointer. * This method is called in response to both MousePressed and MouseDragged * event. The mouse handlers that called it are added to the mosaic * in the start() method. */ private void doMouse(MouseEvent evt) { int row = mosaic.yCoordToRowNumber((int)evt.getY()); int col = mosaic.xCoordToColumnNumber((int)evt.getX()); if (row >= 0 && row < mosaic.getRowCount() && col >= 0 && col < mosaic.getColumnCount()) { // (the test in this if statement will be false if the user drags the // mouse outside the canvas after pressing the mouse on the canvas) applyCurrentTool(row,col); } } /** * This method is called when the user clicks the "Use Grouting" * command in the Control menu. The parameter tells whether * the CheckMenuItem is checked. The handler that calls this * method is added to the menu item in the createMenuBar() method. */ public void doUseGrouting(boolean use) { if (use) mosaic.setGroutingColor(Color.GRAY); else mosaic.setGroutingColor(null); // Turns grouting off. } /** * Changes the current drawing color when the user clicks one of the * colors in the Color menu. A handler to call this method is added * to each color menu item in the createMenuBar() method. (Note that * this method will be called even if the user picks the color that * is already selected, but that is harmless.) */ private void doColorChoice( String colorName ) { if (colorName.equals("Red")) { currentRed = 255; currentGreen = 0; currentBlue = 0; } else if (colorName.equals("Green")) { currentRed = 0; currentGreen = 180; currentBlue = 0; } else if (colorName.equals("Blue")) { currentRed = 0; currentGreen = 0; currentBlue = 255; } else if (colorName.equals("Cyan")) { currentRed = 0; currentGreen = 255; currentBlue = 255; } else if (colorName.equals("Magenta")) { currentRed = 255; currentGreen = 0; currentBlue = 255; } else if (colorName.equals("Yellow")) { currentRed = 255; currentGreen = 255; currentBlue = 0; } else if (colorName.equals("Gray")) { currentRed = 180; currentGreen = 180; currentBlue = 180; } } /** * This method is called when the selected item in the * Tools menu is changed for any reason. The handler * is added to the ToggleGroup that controls the menu * items. Apparently, it is called twice when the user * changes the selection, once when the current item is * deselected (with parameter value null) and once * when the new item is selected. The current tool is only * changed when the parameter is non-null. */ private void doToolChoice( Toggle toggle ) { if (toggle == null) return; String toolName = ((RadioMenuItem)toggle).getText(); if (toolName.equals("Draw")) currentTool = DRAW_TOOL; else if (toolName.equals("Erase")) currentTool = ERASE_TOOL; else if (toolName.equals("Draw 3x3")) currentTool = DRAW_3x3_TOOL; else if (toolName.equals("Erase 3x3")) currentTool = ERASE_3x3_TOOL; } } // end MosaicDraw