package edu.hws.eck.mdbfx; import javafx.scene.control.MenuBar; import javafx.scene.control.Menu; import javafx.scene.control.MenuItem; import javafx.scene.control.RadioMenuItem; import javafx.scene.control.SeparatorMenuItem; import javafx.scene.control.Slider; import javafx.scene.control.ToggleGroup; import javafx.scene.control.Alert; import javafx.scene.control.TextInputDialog; import javafx.scene.control.ButtonType; import javafx.scene.control.Dialog; import javafx.scene.control.Label; import javafx.scene.image.Image; import javafx.scene.paint.Color; import javafx.application.Platform; import javafx.embed.swing.SwingFXUtils; import javafx.stage.FileChooser; import javafx.scene.input.KeyCombination; import javafx.scene.layout.ColumnConstraints; import javafx.scene.layout.GridPane; import javafx.scene.layout.Pane; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import javax.imageio.ImageIO; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory; import java.util.Optional; import org.w3c.dom.*; import*; import; /** * This class defines a MenuBar for use with a MandelbrotPane. This is a large * and complex class because it includes many nested classes and event handlers that * do the work of carrying out menu commands. However, most of the complexity is in * the private part of the class, and the class has only a small public interface. */ public class Menus extends MenuBar { /** * This is the list of example files for the Examples menu. The items in the * menu are the strings from this array. For a string str in the array, * a resource file name is constructed as: "edu/hws/edu/mdbfx/examples" + str + ".mdb". * The resulting names must be names of resource files that are accessible * to the program. The files should be settings files for the Mandelbrot * Viewer program. When the user selects an item from the Examples menu, * the corresponding file is loaded and applied to the display. */ private static final String[] SETTINGS_FILE_LIST = { "settings1", "settings2", "settings3", "settings4", "settings5", "settings6", "settings7", "settings8", "settings9", "settings10", "settings11", "settings12" }; /** * Constructor creates the menu bar containing commands that apply to a MandelbrotPane. * The menu bar contains File, MaxIterations, Palette, PaletteLength, and Example menus. * @param owner the MandelbrotPane that will be managed by this menu bar. This * variable is saved for later access to the MandelbrotPane. */ public Menus(MandelbrotPane owner) { this.owner = owner; paletteManager = new PaletteManager(); // Defines the Palette menu. paletteLengthManager = new PaletteLengthManager(); // Defines the PaletteLength menu. maxIterationsManager = new MaxIterationsManager(); // Defines the MaxIterations menu. // Create menus and add them to the menu bar. Menu fileMenu = new Menu("menu.file")); Menu controlMenu = new Menu("menu.control")); Menu maxIterationsMenu = new Menu("menu.maxIterations")); Menu paletteMenu = new Menu("menu.palette")); Menu paletteLengthMenu = new Menu("menu.paletteLength")); Menu exampleMenu = new Menu("menu.examples")); getMenus().addAll(fileMenu,controlMenu,maxIterationsMenu,paletteMenu, paletteLengthMenu,exampleMenu); // Add items to the File menu. MenuItem saveParams = new MenuItem("")); saveParams.setOnAction( e -> doSaveParams() ); saveParams.setAccelerator(KeyCombination.valueOf("shortcut+S")); MenuItem openParams = new MenuItem("")); openParams.setOnAction( e -> doOpenParams() ); openParams.setAccelerator(KeyCombination.valueOf("shortcut+O")); MenuItem saveImage = new MenuItem("command.saveImage")); saveImage.setOnAction( e -> doSaveImage() ); saveImage.setAccelerator(KeyCombination.valueOf("shortcut+shift+S")); MenuItem close = new MenuItem("command.quit")); close.setOnAction( e -> Platform.exit() ); close.setAccelerator(KeyCombination.valueOf("shortcut+Q")); fileMenu.getItems().addAll(saveParams,openParams, new SeparatorMenuItem(), saveImage, new SeparatorMenuItem(), close); // Add items to the Control menu. MenuItem allDefaults = new MenuItem("command.restoreAllDefaults")); allDefaults.setOnAction( e -> doAllDefaults() ); allDefaults.setAccelerator(KeyCombination.valueOf("shortcut+shift+R")); MenuItem defaultLimits = new MenuItem("command.defaultLimits")); defaultLimits.setOnAction( e -> doDefaultLimits() ); defaultLimits.setAccelerator(KeyCombination.valueOf("shortcut+R")); MenuItem undoChangeOfLimits = new MenuItem("Restore Previous Limits")); undoChangeOfLimits.setOnAction( e -> doUndoChangeOfLimits() ); undoChangeOfLimits.setAccelerator(KeyCombination.valueOf("shortcut+U")); undoChangeOfLimits.setDisable(true); MenuItem showLimits = new MenuItem("command.showLimits")); showLimits.setOnAction( e -> doShowLimits() ); showLimits.setAccelerator(KeyCombination.valueOf("shortcut+L")); MenuItem setLimits = new MenuItem("command.enterLimits")); setLimits.setOnAction( e -> doSetLimits() ); setLimits.setAccelerator(KeyCombination.valueOf("shortcut+shift+L")); MenuItem setImageSize = new MenuItem("command.enterImageSize")); setImageSize.setOnAction( e -> doSetImageSize() ); setImageSize.setAccelerator(KeyCombination.valueOf("shortcut+I")); controlMenu.getItems().addAll( allDefaults, new SeparatorMenuItem(), defaultLimits, undoChangeOfLimits, showLimits, setLimits, new SeparatorMenuItem(), setImageSize); // Add items to the other three menus. These are created by the "manager" objects. // and by the fillExampleMenu() method. paletteMenu.getItems().addAll(paletteManager.items); paletteLengthMenu.getItems().addAll(paletteLengthManager.items); maxIterationsMenu.getItems().addAll(maxIterationsManager.items); fillExampleMenu(exampleMenu); // Some commands are disabled when a computation is in progress in the display. saveImage.disableProperty().bind(owner.getDisplay().workingProperty()); saveParams.disableProperty().bind(owner.getDisplay().workingProperty()); openParams.disableProperty().bind(owner.getDisplay().workingProperty()); setLimits.disableProperty().bind(owner.getDisplay().workingProperty()); setImageSize.disableProperty().bind(owner.getDisplay().workingProperty()); owner.limitsProperty().addListener( (o,oldVal,newVal) -> { // Save old value of limitsProperty for use in "Restore Previous Limits". previousLimits = oldVal; undoChangeOfLimits.setDisable( previousLimits == null ); }); } // end constructor /** * If one of the save or open commands has been used to save or load a file, then * fileDialogProperty will be the directory that contained the saved or opened file. * This method returns an absolute path name for that selected directory. It is used * by to find out the selected directory when the program ends. * The directory is saved in user preferences and is restored the next time * the program is run. */ public String getSelectedDirectoryInFileChooser() { if (fileDialogDirectory == null) return null; else return fileDialogDirectory.getAbsolutePath(); } /** * This sets the selected directory for the file dialog. This method * is called by when the program starts, to restore the directory * that was saved the last time the program was run (by the same user). * @param path absolute path name to the directory; if this is * not the path name of an actual directory, then the property * is not set. */ public void setSelectedDirectoryInFileChooser(String path) { File dir = new File(path); if (dir.isDirectory()) { fileDialogDirectory = dir; } } /** * Produces an XML representation of the current settings. This is used by the * doOpenParams() method to restore the setting of the program based on the contents * of an XML file. It is also used for the Examples menu. Currently, the image size * is NOT adjusted to the value in the file; the same picture that was saved is shown, * but possibly at a different size. No changes are made if an error occurs while * processing the file. An exception is thrown in that case. */ public void retrieveSettingsFromXML(Document xmlDoc) { Element docElement = xmlDoc.getDocumentElement(); String docName = docElement.getTagName(); if (! docName.equalsIgnoreCase("mandelbrot_settings")) throw new IllegalArgumentException("xml.error.wrongType",docName)); String version = docElement.getAttribute("version"); if ( ! version.equalsIgnoreCase("edu.hws.eck.mdb/1.0")) throw new IllegalArgumentException("xml.error.wrongSettingsVersion")); NodeList nodes = docElement.getChildNodes(); int ct = nodes.getLength(); /* Default values will be used if no value is found in the file, */ int paletteItemNum = 0; int paletteType = MandelbrotPane.PALETTE_SPECTRUM; Color c1 = null, c2 = null; // for gradient palettes int paletteLength = 0; int maxIterations = 250; double[] limits = new double[] { -2.5,1.1,-1.35,1.35 }; for (int i = 0; i < ct; i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if (node instanceof Element) { String name = ((Element)node).getTagName(); String value = ((Element)node).getAttribute("value"); try { if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("palettetype")) { Object[] paletteData = paletteManager.getValueFromString(value); paletteItemNum = (Integer)paletteData[0]; paletteType = (Integer)paletteData[1]; if (paletteType == MandelbrotPane.PALETTE_GRADIENT) { c1 = (Color)paletteData[2]; c2 = (Color)paletteData[3]; } } else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("palettelength")) paletteLength = paletteLengthManager.getValueFromString(value); else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("maxiterations")) maxIterations = maxIterationsManager.getValueFromString(value); else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("limits")) { String[] limitStrings = value.split(","); double xmin = Double.parseDouble(limitStrings[0]); double xmax = Double.parseDouble(limitStrings[1]); double ymin = Double.parseDouble(limitStrings[2]); double ymax = Double.parseDouble(limitStrings[3]); if (xmin >= xmax || ymin >= ymax) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); limits = new double[] { xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax }; } } catch (Exception e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("xml.error.illegalSettingsValue",name,value)); } } } owner.setParams(maxIterations,paletteType,c1,c2,paletteLength,limits); paletteManager.setItemNum(paletteItemNum); paletteLengthManager.setValue(paletteLength); maxIterationsManager.setValue(maxIterations); } /** * This is used by the Save Params action to create an XML representation of * the current settings. (It is public but is not currently used outside this class.) */ public String currentSettingsAsXML() { StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); buffer.append("\n"); buffer.append("\n"); double[] limits = owner.getRequestedLimits(); String limitString = limits[0] + "," + limits[1] + "," + limits[2] + "," + limits[3]; buffer.append("\n"); String sizeString = owner.getDisplay().getWidth() + "," + owner.getDisplay().getHeight(); buffer.append("\n"); buffer.append("\n"); buffer.append("\n"); buffer.append("\n"); buffer.append("\n"); return buffer.toString(); } //------------------ Everything after this point is private -------------------------- private MandelbrotPane owner; // From the parameter to the constructor. private PaletteManager paletteManager; // Manages Palette menu; defined by nested class below. private PaletteLengthManager paletteLengthManager; // Manages PaletteLength menu; defined by nested class below. private MaxIterationsManager maxIterationsManager; // Manages MaxIterations menu; defined by nested class below. private File fileDialogDirectory; // Save selected directory from fileDialog. private double[] previousLimits; // For the Restore Previous Limits command. /** * A little utility method that makes strings out of the xy-limits on the display, * where the lengths of the string is adjusted depending on the distance between * xmax and xmin. The idea is to try to avoid more digits after the decimal * points than makes sense. If it succeeds, the coordinates that are shown for xmin * and xmax should differ only in their last four or five digits and the same should * also be true for ymin and ymax. * @return An array of 4 strings representing the values of xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax. */ private String[] makeScaledLimitStrings() { double[] limits = owner.getLimits(); double xmin = limits[0]; double xmax = limits[1]; double ymin = limits[2]; double ymax = limits[3]; double diff = xmax - xmin; if (diff == 0) return new String[] { ""+xmin, ""+xmax, ""+ymin, ""+ymax }; int scale = 4; if (diff > 0) { while (diff < 1) { scale++; diff *= 10; } } String fmt = "%1." + scale + "f"; String[] str = new String[4]; str[0] = String.format(fmt,xmin); str[1] = String.format(fmt,xmax); str[2] = String.format(fmt,ymin); str[3] = String.format(fmt,ymax); return str; } /** * Save an XML file representing the current settings of the program. * The XML file is in the format that is loaded by doOpenParams. */ private void doSaveParams() { FileChooser fileDialog = new FileChooser(); fileDialog.setInitialFileName("files.saveparams.defaultFileName")); if (fileDialogDirectory == null) fileDialog.setInitialDirectory(new File(System.getProperty("user.home"))); else fileDialog.setInitialDirectory(fileDialogDirectory); fileDialog.setTitle("files.saveparams.title")); File selectedFile = fileDialog.showSaveDialog(owner.getScene().getWindow()); if (selectedFile == null) return; PrintWriter out; try { FileOutputStream stream = new FileOutputStream(selectedFile); out = new PrintWriter( stream ); } catch (Exception e) { error("files.saveparams.error.cannotOpen", selectedFile.getName(), e.toString())); return; } try { out.print(currentSettingsAsXML()); out.close(); try { File dir = selectedFile.getParentFile(); if (dir.isDirectory()) fileDialogDirectory = dir; } catch (Exception e) { } } catch (Exception e) { error("files.saveparams.error.cannotWrite", selectedFile.getName(), e.toString())); } } /** * Open an XML file and, if it is successfully parsed, restore the * image to the settings that were stored in the file. */ private void doOpenParams() { FileChooser fileDialog = new FileChooser(); fileDialog.setTitle("files.openparams.title")); if (fileDialogDirectory == null) fileDialog.setInitialDirectory(new File(System.getProperty("user.home"))); else fileDialog.setInitialDirectory(fileDialogDirectory); File selectedFile = fileDialog.showOpenDialog(owner.getScene().getWindow()); if (selectedFile == null) return; // User canceled or clicked the dialog's close box. Document xmldoc; try { DocumentBuilder docReader = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance().newDocumentBuilder(); xmldoc = docReader.parse(selectedFile); } catch (Exception e) { error("files.openparams.error.notXML", selectedFile.getName(), e.toString())); return; } try { retrieveSettingsFromXML(xmldoc); try { File dir = selectedFile.getParentFile(); if (dir.isDirectory()) fileDialogDirectory = dir; } catch (Exception e) { } } catch (Exception e) { error("files.openparams.error.notParamsFile", selectedFile.getName(), e.getMessage())); } } /** * Save the current image as a PNG file. Only the PNG file format is available. */ public void doSaveImage() { FileChooser fileDialog = new FileChooser(); fileDialog.setInitialFileName("files.saveimage.defaultFileName")); if (fileDialogDirectory == null) fileDialog.setInitialDirectory(new File(System.getProperty("user.home"))); else fileDialog.setInitialDirectory(fileDialogDirectory); fileDialog.setTitle("files.saveimage.title")); File selectedFile = fileDialog.showSaveDialog(owner.getScene().getWindow()); if ( selectedFile == null ) return; // User did not select a file. try { Image canvasImage = owner.getDisplay().snapshot(null,null); BufferedImage image = SwingFXUtils.fromFXImage(canvasImage,null); String filename = selectedFile.getName().toLowerCase(); if ( ! filename.endsWith(".png")) { error("file.saveimage.pngOnly")); return; } boolean hasFormat = ImageIO.write(image,"PNG",selectedFile); if ( ! hasFormat ) { // (this should never happen) error("files.saveimage.noPNG")); } try { File dir = selectedFile.getParentFile(); if (dir.isDirectory()) fileDialogDirectory = dir; } catch (Exception e) { } } catch (Exception e) { error("files.saveimage.cantwrite", selectedFile.getName(), e.toString())); } } /** * Restores limits to their default values, showing the entire Mandelbrot Set. */ private void doDefaultLimits() { owner.setLimits(-2.5,1.1,-1.35,1.35); } /** * Restores default limits, palette, and maxIterations. */ private void doAllDefaults() { owner.defaults(); paletteManager.setItemNum(0); // Change menus to match default settings paletteLengthManager.setValue(0); maxIterationsManager.setValue(250); } /** * Restores previous xy-limits on MandelbrotPanel. The previous limits are * obtained from an event that is emitted by an observable property of the display whenever * the limits change. The change event handler stores the old limits in the previousLimits * instance variable. */ private void doUndoChangeOfLimits() { if (previousLimits != null) owner.setLimits(previousLimits[0],previousLimits[1], previousLimits[2],previousLimits[3]); } /** * Puts up a message alert that contains the current range of xy-values * that is shown in the MandelbrotPane. */ private void doShowLimits() { String[] limits = makeScaledLimitStrings(); Alert alert = new Alert(Alert.AlertType.INFORMATION,"dialog.showLimits",limits[0],limits[1],limits[2],limits[3])); alert.setHeaderText(null); alert.setGraphic(null); alert.showAndWait(); } /** * Puts up a dialog box of type SetImageSizeDialog (another class defined in * this package). The dialog box lets the user enter new values for the * width and height of the image. If the user does not cancel, then the * new width and height are applied to the image. The dialog box ensures * that the returned values, if any, are legal */ private void doSetImageSize() { int oldWidth = (int)owner.getDisplay().getWidth(); int oldHeight = (int)owner.getDisplay().getHeight(); int[] newSize = SetImageSizeDialog.showDialog(new int[] {oldWidth, oldHeight}); if (newSize == null) // user canceled the dialog return; owner.setImageSize(newSize[0], newSize[1]); } /** * Puts up a dialog box of type SetLimitsDialog (another class defined in * this package). The dialog box lets the user enter new values for xmin, * xmax, ymin, and ymax (the limits of the range of xy-values shown in the * MandelbrotPane). If the user does not cancel, the new limits are * applied to the display. */ private void doSetLimits() { String[] limits = makeScaledLimitStrings(); double[] newLimits = SetLimitsDialog.showDialog(limits); if (newLimits != null) // User canceled the dialog owner.setLimits(newLimits[0],newLimits[1],newLimits[2],newLimits[3]); } /** * Adds names of settings files to the examples menu. See the global variable * SETTINGS_FILE_LIST for more info. Installs event handlers on each menu * item to load the corresponding settings file. */ private void fillExampleMenu(Menu menu) { for (int i = 0; i < SETTINGS_FILE_LIST.length; i++) { final String str = SETTINGS_FILE_LIST[i]; MenuItem item = new MenuItem(str); item.setOnAction( e -> loadExampleFile(str) ); menu.getItems().add(item); } } /** * Reads settings from an XML resource file. */ private void loadExampleFile(String resourceName) { // Tries to load one of the examples. resourceName = "edu/hws/eck/mdbfx/examples/" + resourceName + ".mdb"; ClassLoader cl = getClass().getClassLoader(); URL resourceURL = cl.getResource(resourceName); if (resourceURL != null) { try { InputStream stream = resourceURL.openStream(); DocumentBuilder docReader = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance().newDocumentBuilder(); Document xmldoc = docReader.parse(stream); retrieveSettingsFromXML(xmldoc); } catch (Exception e) { error("Internal Error. Couldn't load example\n" + e); } } else { error("Internal Error. Couldn't find file."); } } /** * Show an error alert with the given message. */ private void error(String message) { Alert alert = new Alert(Alert.AlertType.ERROR, message); alert.setHeaderText(null); alert.showAndWait(); } /** * Defines the object that manages the Palette menu. */ private class PaletteManager { RadioMenuItem[] items; // Array contains all the items that are in the Palette menu. int selectedItem = 0; // Index in the items array of the item that is currently selected. private String[] valueStrings = {"Spectrum","PaleSpectrum","Grayscale","CyclicGrayscale", "BlackToRed","RedToCyan","OrangeToBlue"}; // Names for commands in XML settings file. PaletteManager() { // Constructor creates the items and adds them to a ToggleGroup. Also this // object adds itself as an ActionListener to each item so it can carry out // the command when the user selects one of the items. items = new RadioMenuItem[8]; items[0] = new RadioMenuItem("command.palette.spectrum")); items[1] = new RadioMenuItem("command.palette.paleSpectrum")); items[2] = new RadioMenuItem("command.palette.grayscale")); items[3] = new RadioMenuItem("command.palette.cyclicGrayscale")); items[4] = new RadioMenuItem("command.palette.gradientBlackToRed")); items[5] = new RadioMenuItem("command.palette.gradientRedToCyan")); items[6] = new RadioMenuItem("command.palette.gradientOrangeToBlue")); items[7] = new RadioMenuItem("command.palette.customGradient")); ToggleGroup grp = new ToggleGroup(); for (int i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { items[i].setToggleGroup(grp); items[i].setOnAction( e -> applySelection() ); } items[selectedItem].setSelected(true); } String valueAsString() { // Converts the setting of this menu to a string that can be saved // in an XML file. This is used by the currentSettingAsXML() method, // which is used in turn by the SaveParams command. if (selectedItem < valueStrings.length) return valueStrings[selectedItem]; else { Color c1 = owner.getGradientPaletteColor1(); Color c2 = owner.getGradientPaletteColor2(); if (c1 == null || c2 == null) return valueStrings[0]; // Should not happen! return "Custom/" + c1.getRed() + "," + c1.getGreen() + "," + c1.getBlue() + "/" + c2.getRed() + "," + c2.getGreen() + "," + c2.getBlue(); } } void setItemNum(int itemNum) { // Select specifed item number in the menu. selectedItem = itemNum; items[itemNum].setSelected(true); } Object[] getValueFromString(String str) { // Takes a string from an XML file (which originally came from the // previous method when the file was saved) and restores the setting // represented by that string. This is called by the retrieveSettingsFromXML() // method, which is called in turn by the Open Params command. for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { if (valueStrings[i].equalsIgnoreCase(str)) { switch(i) { case 0: return new Object[] { 0, MandelbrotPane.PALETTE_SPECTRUM }; case 1: return new Object[] { 1, MandelbrotPane.PALETTE_PALE_SPECTRUM }; case 2: return new Object[] { 2, MandelbrotPane.PALETTE_GRAYSCALE }; case 3: return new Object[] { 3, MandelbrotPane.PALETTE_CYCLIC_GRAYSCALE }; case 4: return new Object[] { 4, MandelbrotPane.PALETTE_GRADIENT, Color.BLACK, Color.RED }; case 5: return new Object[] { 5, MandelbrotPane.PALETTE_GRADIENT, Color.RED, Color.CYAN }; case 6: return new Object[] { 6, MandelbrotPane.PALETTE_GRADIENT, Color.rgb(255,130,20), Color.BLUE }; } } } String[] tokens = str.split("[/,]"); if ( ! tokens[0].equalsIgnoreCase("custom")) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); Color c1 = Color.color( Double.parseDouble(tokens[1]), Double.parseDouble(tokens[2]), Double.parseDouble(tokens[3]) ); Color c2 =Color.color( Double.parseDouble(tokens[4]), Double.parseDouble(tokens[5]), Double.parseDouble(tokens[6]) ); return new Object[] { 7, MandelbrotPane.PALETTE_GRADIENT, c1, c2 }; } private void applySelection() { // Sets the palette in the MandelbrotPane to match the // currently selected item in the menu. if (items[0].isSelected()) { owner.setPaletteType(MandelbrotPane.PALETTE_SPECTRUM); selectedItem = 0; } else if (items[1].isSelected()) { owner.setPaletteType(MandelbrotPane.PALETTE_PALE_SPECTRUM); selectedItem = 1; } else if (items[2].isSelected()) { owner.setPaletteType(MandelbrotPane.PALETTE_GRAYSCALE); selectedItem = 2; } else if (items[3].isSelected()) { owner.setPaletteType(MandelbrotPane.PALETTE_CYCLIC_GRAYSCALE); selectedItem = 3; } else if (items[4].isSelected()) { owner.setGradientPalette(Color.BLACK, Color.RED); selectedItem = 4; } else if (items[5].isSelected()) { owner.setGradientPalette(Color.RED, Color.CYAN); selectedItem = 5; } else if (items[6].isSelected()) { owner.setGradientPalette( Color.rgb(255,130,20), Color.rgb(0,0,255)); selectedItem = 6; } else { // The setting is for a custom gradient. NOTE that this case never occurs when // this method is called from the setValueFromString() method; it only occurs // when called from actionPerformed() in response to a user action. The // command is "Custom gradient", and the response is to show two Color // dialog boxes where the user can pick the start and end color for the // gradient. Note that if the user CANCELS, then the state of the // MandelbrotPane is not changed, and the menu must be reset to show // the selection that was in place before the user action so that the // menu will properly reflect the state of the display. This is the // main reason why I keep the current selectedItem in an instance variable. Color c1 = Color.GREEN; Color c2 = Color.YELLOW; if (owner.getPaletteType() == MandelbrotPane.PALETTE_GRADIENT) { // If the display is already using a gradient palette, then the colors // from that gradient will be used as the initially selected colors in // the color chooser dialog boxes. c1 = owner.getGradientPaletteColor1(); c2 = owner.getGradientPaletteColor2(); } c1 = colorChooser(c1,"dialog.selectGradient1")); if (c1 == null) { items[selectedItem].setSelected(true); // Restore previous selection in menu. return; // (The menu selection has been changed by the user } // action, but the value of selectedItem has not changed.) c2 = colorChooser(c2,"dialog.selectGradient2")); if (c2 == null) { items[selectedItem].setSelected(true); return; } owner.setGradientPalette(c1, c2); selectedItem = 7; } } } // end nested class PaletteManager /** * Defines the object that manages the PaletteLength menu. Similar in * structure to PaletteManager; see above. */ private class PaletteLengthManager { int[] standardLengths = { 25, 50, 100, 250, 500, 1000, 2000, 5000, 10000 }; int selectedItem = 0; RadioMenuItem[] items; PaletteLengthManager() { items = new RadioMenuItem[ 2 + standardLengths.length ]; items[0] = new RadioMenuItem("command.palette.lengthTracksMaxIterations")); for (int i = 0; i < standardLengths.length; i++) items[i+1] = new RadioMenuItem("command.palette.length", ""+standardLengths[i])); items[items.length-1] = new RadioMenuItem("command.palette.customLength")); ToggleGroup grp = new ToggleGroup(); for (int i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { items[i].setToggleGroup(grp); items[i].setOnAction(e -> itemSelected()); } items[selectedItem].setSelected(true); } String valueAsString() { return "" + owner.getPaletteLength(); } void setValue(int value) { if (value == 0) { selectedItem = 0; items[0].setSelected(true); return; } for (int i = 0; i < standardLengths.length; i++) { if (value == standardLengths[i]) { selectedItem = i+1; items[i+1].setSelected(true); return; } } items[items.length-1].setSelected(true); selectedItem = items.length - 1; } int getValueFromString(String str) { int length = Integer.parseInt(str); if (length == 0) { return 0; } if (length < 2 || length > 500000) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); return length; } public void itemSelected() { if (items[0].isSelected()) { owner.setPaletteLength(0); selectedItem = 0; } else if (items[items.length-1].isSelected()) { TextInputDialog dialog = new TextInputDialog(); dialog.setHeaderText("command.palette.customLengthQuestion", owner.getPaletteLength())); Optional resp = dialog.showAndWait(); if (!resp.isPresent() || resp.get() == null || resp.get().trim().length() == 0) { items[selectedItem].setSelected(true); return; } try { int length = Integer.parseInt(resp.get().trim()); if (length < 2) throw new NumberFormatException(); if (length > 500000) throw new NumberFormatException(); owner.setPaletteLength(length); selectedItem = items.length - 1; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { error("command.palette.customLengthError",resp.get().trim())); items[selectedItem].setSelected(true); return; } } else { for (int i = 0; i < standardLengths.length; i++) { if (items[i+1].isSelected()) { owner.setPaletteLength(standardLengths[i]); selectedItem = i+1; break; } } } } } // end nested class PaletteLengthManager /** * Defines the object that manages the MaxIterations menu. Similar in * structure to PaletteManager; see above. */ private class MaxIterationsManager{ int[] standardValues = { 50, 100, 250, 500, 1000, 2000, 5000, 20000, 50000, 100000 }; int selectedItem = 2; RadioMenuItem[] items; MaxIterationsManager() { items = new RadioMenuItem[ 1 + standardValues.length ]; for (int i = 0; i < standardValues.length; i++) items[i] = new RadioMenuItem("command.maxiterations", ""+standardValues[i])); items[items.length-1] = new RadioMenuItem("command.maxiterations.custom")); ToggleGroup grp = new ToggleGroup(); for (int i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { items[i].setToggleGroup(grp); items[i].setOnAction( e -> itemSelected() ); } items[selectedItem].setSelected(true); } String valueAsString() { return "" + owner.getMaxIterations(); } void setValue(int value) { for (int i = 0; i < standardValues.length; i++) { if (value == standardValues[i]) { selectedItem = i; items[i].setSelected(true); return; } } items[items.length-1].setSelected(true); selectedItem = items.length - 1; } int getValueFromString(String str) { int length = Integer.parseInt(str); if (length < 2 || length > 500000) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); return length; } public void itemSelected() { if (items[items.length-1].isSelected()) { TextInputDialog dialog = new TextInputDialog(); dialog.setHeaderText("command.maxiterations.customQuestion",owner.getMaxIterations())); Optional resp = dialog.showAndWait(); if (!resp.isPresent() || resp.get() == null || resp.get().trim().length() == 0) { items[selectedItem].setSelected(true); return; } try { int value = Integer.parseInt(resp.get().trim()); if (value < 2) throw new NumberFormatException(); if (value > 500000) throw new NumberFormatException(); owner.setMaxIterations(value); selectedItem = items.length - 1; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { error("command.maxiterations.customError",resp.get().trim())); items[selectedItem].setSelected(true); return; } } else { for (int i = 0; i < standardValues.length; i++) { if (items[i].isSelected()) { owner.setMaxIterations(standardValues[i]); selectedItem = i; break; } } } } } // end nested class MaxIterationsManager //---------- implementing a ColorChooser dialog box (from ------------------------ /** * This component shows six sliders that the user can manipulate * to set the red, green, blue, hue, brightness, and saturation components * of a color. A color patch shows the selected color, and there are * six labels that show the numerical values of all the components. */ private static class ColorChooserPane extends GridPane { private Slider hueSlider, brightnessSlider, saturationSlider, // Sliders to control color components. redSlider, greenSlider, blueSlider; private Label hueLabel, brightnessLabel, saturationLabel, // For displaying color component values. redLabel, greenLabel, blueLabel; private Pane colorPatch; // Color patch for displaying the color. private Color currentColor; public ColorChooserPane(Color initialColor) { /* Create Sliders with possible values from 0 to 1, or 0 to 360 for hue. */ hueSlider = new Slider(0,360,0); saturationSlider = new Slider(0,1,1); brightnessSlider = new Slider(0,1,1); redSlider = new Slider(0,1,1); greenSlider = new Slider(0,1,0); blueSlider = new Slider(0,1,0); /* Set up listeners to respond when a slider value is changed. */ hueSlider.valueProperty().addListener( e -> newColor(hueSlider) ); saturationSlider.valueProperty().addListener( e -> newColor(saturationSlider) ); brightnessSlider.valueProperty().addListener( e -> newColor(brightnessSlider) ); redSlider.valueProperty().addListener( e -> newColor(redSlider) ); greenSlider.valueProperty().addListener( e -> newColor(greenSlider) ); blueSlider.valueProperty().addListener( e -> newColor(blueSlider) ); /* Create Labels showing current RGB and HSB values. */ hueLabel = makeText(String.format(" Hue = %1.3f", 0.0)); saturationLabel = makeText(String.format(" Saturation = %1.3f", 1.0)); brightnessLabel = makeText(String.format(" Brightness = %1.3f", 1.0)); redLabel = makeText(String.format(" Red = %1.3f", 1.0)); greenLabel = makeText(String.format(" Green = %1.3f", 1.0)); blueLabel = makeText(String.format(" Blue = %1.3f", 1.0)); /* Create an object to show the currently selected color. */ colorPatch = new Pane(); colorPatch.setStyle("-fx-background-color:red; -fx-border-color:black; -fx-border-width:2px"); /* Lay out the components */ GridPane root = this; ColumnConstraints c1 = new ColumnConstraints(); c1.setPercentWidth(33); ColumnConstraints c2 = new ColumnConstraints(); c2.setPercentWidth(34); ColumnConstraints c3 = new ColumnConstraints(); c3.setPercentWidth(33); root.getColumnConstraints().addAll(c1, c2, c3); root.add(hueSlider, 0, 0); root.add(saturationSlider, 0, 1); root.add(brightnessSlider, 0, 2); root.add(redSlider, 0, 3); root.add(greenSlider, 0, 4); root.add(blueSlider, 0, 5); root.add(hueLabel, 1, 0); root.add(saturationLabel, 1, 1); root.add(brightnessLabel, 1, 2); root.add(redLabel, 1, 3); root.add(greenLabel, 1, 4); root.add(blueLabel, 1, 5); root.add(colorPatch, 2, 0, 1, 6); // occupies 6 rows! root.setStyle("-fx-padding:5px; -fx-border-color:darkblue; -fx-border-width:2px; -fx-background-color:#DDF"); setColor(initialColor == null? Color.BLACK : initialColor); } public Color getColor() { return currentColor; } public void setColor(Color color) { if (color == null) return; hueSlider.setValue(color.getHue()); brightnessSlider.setValue(color.getBrightness()); saturationSlider.setValue(color.getSaturation()); redSlider.setValue(color.getRed()); greenSlider.setValue(color.getGreen()); blueSlider.setValue(color.getBlue()); String colorString = String.format("#%02x%02x%02x", (int)(255*color.getRed()), (int)(255*color.getGreen()), (int)(255*color.getBlue()) ); colorPatch.setStyle("-fx-border-color:black; -fx-border-width:2px; -fx-background-color:" + colorString); hueLabel.setText(String.format("dialog.hue") + " = %1.3f", color.getHue())); saturationLabel.setText(String.format("dialog.saturation") + " = %1.3f", color.getSaturation())); brightnessLabel.setText(String.format("dialog.brightness") + " = %1.3f", color.getBrightness())); redLabel.setText(String.format("") + " = %1.3f", color.getRed())); greenLabel.setText(String.format("") + " = %1.3f", color.getGreen())); blueLabel.setText(String.format("") + " = %1.3f", color.getBlue())); currentColor = color; } private Label makeText(String message) { // Make a label to show a given message shown in bold, with some padding // between the text and the border of the label. Label text = new Label(message); text.setStyle(" -fx-padding: 6px 10px 6px 10px; -fx-font-weight:bold"); return text; } private void newColor(Slider whichSlider) { // Adjust the GUI to a new color value, when one of the sliders has changed. if ( ! whichSlider.isValueChanging() ) { return; // Don't respond to change if it was set programmatically; // only respond if it was set by user dragging the slider. } Color color; if (whichSlider == redSlider || whichSlider == greenSlider || whichSlider == blueSlider) { color = Color.color(redSlider.getValue(), greenSlider.getValue(), blueSlider.getValue()); hueSlider.setValue(color.getHue()); brightnessSlider.setValue(color.getBrightness()); saturationSlider.setValue(color.getSaturation()); } else { color = Color.hsb(hueSlider.getValue(), saturationSlider.getValue(), brightnessSlider.getValue()); redSlider.setValue(color.getRed()); greenSlider.setValue(color.getGreen()); blueSlider.setValue(color.getBlue()); } currentColor = color; String colorString = String.format("#%02x%02x%02x", (int)(255*color.getRed()), (int)(255*color.getGreen()), (int)(255*color.getBlue()) ); colorPatch.setStyle("-fx-border-color:black; -fx-border-width:2px; -fx-background-color:" + colorString); hueLabel.setText(String.format("dialog.hue") + " = %1.3f", color.getHue())); saturationLabel.setText(String.format("dialog.saturation") + " = %1.3f", color.getSaturation())); brightnessLabel.setText(String.format("dialog.brightness") + " = %1.3f", color.getBrightness())); redLabel.setText(String.format("") + " = %1.3f", color.getRed())); greenLabel.setText(String.format("") + " = %1.3f", color.getGreen())); blueLabel.setText(String.format("") + " = %1.3f", color.getBlue())); } } // end class SimpleColorChooser /** * Shows a dialog box containing a simple color chooser pane that the user * can manipulate to select a color. The dialog box has an OK button and * a "Cancel" button. * @param initialColor the color that is initially selected in the dialog. * If the value is null, the initial color is black. * @param headerText Text to be shown in the dialog above the color chooser * pane. Can be null. For multi-line text, the \n character should * be included in the string to separate the lines. * @return null if the user cancels the dialog, or the color that is selected * in the color chooser pane if the user dismisses the dialog box by * clicking the "OK" button. */ private static Color colorChooser( Color initialColor, String headerText ) { ColorChooserPane chooser = new ColorChooserPane(initialColor); Dialog dialog = new Dialog<>(); dialog.setTitle("dialog.colorpicker")); dialog.getDialogPane().getButtonTypes().addAll(ButtonType.CANCEL, ButtonType.OK); dialog.getDialogPane().setContent(chooser); dialog.setHeaderText(headerText); Optional result = dialog.showAndWait(); if (result.isPresent() && result.get() == ButtonType.OK ) return chooser.getColor(); else return null; } } // end class Menus