package edu.hws.eck.mdbfx;
import javafx.application.Platform;
import javafx.scene.control.Label;
import javafx.scene.control.ScrollPane;
import javafx.scene.layout.BorderPane;
import javafx.scene.layout.StackPane;
import javafx.scene.input.MouseEvent;
import javafx.scene.input.MouseButton;
import javafx.scene.canvas.Canvas;
import javafx.scene.canvas.GraphicsContext;
import javafx.scene.paint.Color;
import javafx.geometry.Rectangle2D;
import javafx.geometry.Pos;
import java.util.Timer;
import java.util.TimerTask;
* A MandelbrotPane contains a menu bar, a MandelbrotCanvas and a status bar. The
* canvas computes and displays a visualization of the Mandelbrot Set. The status bar
* is a Label that is used to display information that the user might be interested
* in. A mouse listener is installed on the display that enables the user to
* zoom in and out on the image. Nothing is done to stop the user from zooming
* in beyond the limited accuracy of numbers of type double -- when this happens,
* the picture will first become "blocky" and with even further zooms will become
* meaningless.
Mouse actions on the display:
* - Moving or dragging the mouse shows image coordinates corresponding to mouse location.
- Clicking the mouse zooms in on or out from a point. If shift is down when the
* mouse was pressed, or if the right mouse button is used, then zoom out by a factor of 2;
* otherwise, zoom in by a factor of 2. If alt is down when the mouse is pressed, or if
* the middle mouse button is used, then the point that was clicked is moved to the center
* of the image; otherwise, it stays where it is and the rest of the picture moves toward
* that point or away from it.
- Dragging the mouse will draw a box around a region of the image. The box is forced
* to have the same aspect ratio (shape) as the display. The box is not drawn if it would
* be too narrow. If the box is there when the mouse is released, then the image is
* zoomed. With no modifier keys and using the left mouse button, the inside of the
* box is zoomed to fill the entire display (this zooms in on the image, which is usually
* what you want). If the shift key is down, or if the right mouse button is used,
* then the entire display is shrunk down into the box (this zooms out).
public class MandelbrotPane extends BorderPane {
* Constant used to identify one of the types of color palettes that can
* be used for coloring the points in the image. See setPaletteType()
* and setGradientPaletteType().
public final static int PALETTE_SPECTRUM = 0;
public final static int PALETTE_PALE_SPECTRUM = 1;
public final static int PALETTE_GRAYSCALE = 2;
public final static int PALETTE_CYCLIC_GRAYSCALE = 3;
public final static int PALETTE_GRADIENT = 4;
private MandelbrotCanvas display; // The canvas where the image is drawn.
private Canvas overlayCanvas; // A mostly transparent overlay where zoom box is drawn.
private GraphicsContext overlayGraphics; // Graphics context for drawing on the overlay canvas.
private Label statusBar; // For displaying info; placed at the bottom of the window.
private StackPane displayHolder; // Holds the display and the overlay canvas.
private ScrollPane scroller; // Holds the displayHolder, but only when image size is fixed.
private ObjectProperty limits; // The xy-limits on the region displayed in the image.
// (This holds xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax.)
private Menus menubar; // The menu bar from the top of the window.
private int maxIterations; // Current maximum number of iterations that will be used
// in the Mandelbrot computation loop. Pixels that require
// more iterations are colored black.
private int paletteType; // Current palette type; one of the constants like PALETTE_SPECTRUM.
private Color gradientPaletteColor1; // If palette type is PALETTE_GRADIENT, this is the gradient start color.
private Color gradientPaletteColor2; // If palette type is PALETTE_GRADIENT, this is the gradient end color.
private int paletteLength; // The number of colors in the palette.
private int[] palette; // The colors in the palette, expressed as ARGB color codes.
private double xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax; // Ranges of xy values currently visible in the image.
private double xmin_requested = -2.5; // These are the values that were requested in the setLimits()
private double xmax_requested = 1.1; // command. They are adjusted in the checkAspect() method to
private double ymin_requested = -1.35; // fit the aspect ratio of the display, and the actual values
private double ymax_requested = 1.35; // that are used for the image are stored in xmin, xmax, ymin,
// and ymax. If the image changes size, the REQUESTED values
// are re-applied. Initial values represent the defaults.
private Rectangle2D zoomBox; // If non-null, then this rectangle is drawn on top of the
// the image. The image can be zoomed into or out of this box.
// the zoom box can only exist during a mouse drag operation.
* Create a pane containing a MandelbrotCanvas, the label that
* is used as a status bar, and the menu bar.
public MandelbrotPane() {
setStyle("-fx-border-color:#333; -fx-border-width:1px");
display = new MandelbrotCanvas(800,600);
overlayCanvas = new Canvas(800,600);
overlayGraphics = overlayCanvas.getGraphicsContext2D();
displayHolder = new StackPane(display,overlayCanvas);
statusBar = new Label("Idle"));
statusBar.setStyle("-fx-padding:7px; -fx-background-color:white; "
+ "-fx-border-color:#333; -fx-border-width:4px 0 0 0");
limits = new SimpleObjectProperty(); // Has to exist before creating menus.
menubar = new Menus(this);
overlayCanvas.setOnMousePressed( this::mousePressed ); // mouse interaction is with overlayCanvas
overlayCanvas.setOnMouseDragged( this::mouseDragged );
overlayCanvas.setOnMouseReleased( this::mouseReleased );
overlayCanvas.setOnMouseMoved( this::mouseMoved );
overlayCanvas.setOnMouseExited( this::mouseExited );
paletteType = PALETTE_SPECTRUM; // defaults for palette and maxIterations
paletteLength = 0;
maxIterations = 250;
/* Listen for changes to the size of displayHolder (which will be resized by this
* BorderPane when the window size changes). In response, schedule a new compute
* job to occur in 300 milliseconds. */
displayHolder.widthProperty().addListener( e -> startDelayedJob(300,true) );
displayHolder.heightProperty().addListener( e -> startDelayedJob(300,true) );
startDelayedJob(500, false);
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* When image size changes, the image has to be recomputed. As the user resizes the
* window, the width and height of the canvas can change many times. Rather than
* start a new computation each time their values change, there is a delay of
* 300 milliseconds before the new computation is started. startDelayedJob()
* is also used in the constructor, to avoid starting the computation before the
* window has time to appear on the screen.
private Timer resizeTimer = new Timer(); // For implementing the delay.
private TimerTask resizeTask;
* Schedules a new computation to be started after a specified number of
* milliseconds. If this method is called before the time has expired, the
* previously scheduled start is canceled, and a new start is scheduled with
* the given delay. If the method is called many times quickly, only the
* last call will actually result in a new computation starting. The method
* is called with resizeFirst = true, except when it is called from the
* constructor.
private void startDelayedJob(int milliseconds, boolean resizeFirst) {
synchronized(resizeTimer) {
if (resizeTask != null)
resizeTask = new TimerTask() {
public void run() {
synchronized(resizeTimer) {
Platform.runLater( () -> {
if (resizeFirst) {
(int)displayHolder.getWidth(),(int)displayHolder.getHeight()) );
resizeTask = null;
resizeTimer.schedule(resizeTask, milliseconds);
//--------------------------------- Methods for use by Main and Menus ----------------------
public Menus getMenus() {
return menubar;
* This is called by when the window is closed. It is important to cancel the
* resizeTimer, since otherwise, it would stop the Java Virtual Machine from exiting.
public void closing() {
public ObjectProperty limitsProperty() {
return limits;
* Set the image size. If width or height is less than or equal to zero,
* the size of the image will track the size of the pane. Otherwise, the
* image size will be fixed; the image might not fill the window, and if it
* is too big for the window, scroll bars will appear.
public void setImageSize( int width, int height ) {
if (width <= 0 || height <= 0) {
if (scroller == null)
scroller = null;
displayHolder = new StackPane(display,overlayCanvas);
displayHolder.widthProperty().addListener( e -> startDelayedJob(300,true) );
displayHolder.heightProperty().addListener( e -> startDelayedJob(300,true) );
else {
if (scroller != null && width == (int)displayHolder.getWidth()
&& height == (int)displayHolder.getHeight()) {
displayHolder = new StackPane(display,overlayCanvas);
scroller = new ScrollPane(displayHolder);
display.startJob(maxIterations, palette, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax);
statusBar.setText("status.imageSize",width,height) );
public void setMaxIterations( int iters ) {
if (maxIterations == iters)
maxIterations = iters;
if (paletteLength == 0)
display.startJob(maxIterations, palette, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax);
public int getMaxIterations() {
return maxIterations;
public void setPaletteLength(int length) {
if (length != 0 && length == paletteLength)
paletteLength = length;
public int getPaletteLength() {
return paletteLength;
public void setPaletteType(int type) { // type != PALETTE_GRADIENT
if (paletteType == type)
paletteType = type;
gradientPaletteColor1 = null;
gradientPaletteColor2 = null;
public void setGradientPalette(Color c1, Color c2) {
if (paletteType == PALETTE_GRADIENT && gradientPaletteColor1.equals(c1)
&& gradientPaletteColor2.equals(c2))
gradientPaletteColor1 = c1;
gradientPaletteColor2 = c2;
public int getPaletteType() {
return paletteType;
public Color getGradientPaletteColor1() { // will be null for other gradient types
return gradientPaletteColor1;
public Color getGradientPaletteColor2() { // will be null for other gradient types
return gradientPaletteColor2;
* Sets all params back to their default values and starts a new computation.
public void defaults() {
maxIterations = 250;
paletteLength = 0;
* Sets all params to specified values and starts a new computation.
* No error checking is done. This is used in to implement
* loading from an XML params file.
public void setParams(int maxIterations, int paletteType, Color c1, Color c2,
int paletteLength, double[] limits) {
this.maxIterations = maxIterations;
this.paletteType = paletteType;
this.gradientPaletteColor1 = c1;
this.gradientPaletteColor2 = c2;
this.paletteLength = paletteLength;
* Change the limits on the xy-region shown in the image, possibly
* readjusting them to match the aspect ratio of the display, and
* start a new computation.
public void setLimits( double xmin, double xmax, double ymin, double ymax ) {
xmin_requested = xmin;
xmax_requested = xmax;
ymin_requested = ymin;
ymax_requested = ymax;
public double[] getLimits() {
return new double[] { xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax };
* When the xy-limits were originally set, or when they are changed with setLimits,
* allDefaults, or setParams, the requested mins and maxes are saved before the
* values are adjusted to match the aspect ratio of the display. This method
* returns the originally requested limits. When the limits are changed by
* zooming, the requested limits will be the same as the actual limits.
public double[] getRequestedLimits() {
return new double[] { xmin_requested, xmax_requested, ymin_requested, ymax_requested };
public MandelbrotCanvas getDisplay() {
return display;
//---------------------------- The rest of the file is private implementation detail ----------
* Adjusts the xy limits to fit the aspect ratio of the display. If the shape of
* the requested region in the plane does not match the shape of the display,
* then either the range of x values or the range of y values will be increased
* to make the shapes match. Note that the full requested ranges are always shown.
* There just might be some extra parts of the plane visible on the top and bottom
* or sides.
private void checkAspect() {
xmin = xmin_requested;
xmax = xmax_requested;
if (xmax < xmin) {
double temp = xmin;
xmin = xmax;
xmax = temp;
ymin = ymin_requested;
ymax = ymax_requested;
if (ymax < ymin) {
double temp = ymax;
ymax = ymin;
ymin = temp;
double width = xmax - xmin;
double height = ymax - ymin;
double aspect = width/height;
double windowAspect = (double)display.getWidth()/(double)display.getHeight();
if (aspect < windowAspect) {
double newWidth = width*windowAspect/aspect;
double center = (xmax + xmin)/2;
xmax = center + newWidth/2;
xmin = center - newWidth/2;
else if (aspect > windowAspect) {
double newHeight = height*aspect/windowAspect;
double center = (ymax+ymin)/2;
ymax = center + newHeight/2;
ymin = center - newHeight/2;
* Builds the array that holds the palette colors, based on current settings.
private void createPalette() {
if (paletteLength == 0)
palette = new int[maxIterations+1];
palette = new int[paletteLength];
for (int i = 0; i < palette.length; i++) {
double fraction = ((double)i)/(palette.length);
Color color;
switch (paletteType) {
double r1 = gradientPaletteColor1.getRed();
double r2 = gradientPaletteColor2.getRed();
double r = Math.max(0,Math.min(1,r2*fraction + r1*(1-fraction)));
double g1 = gradientPaletteColor1.getGreen();
double g2 = gradientPaletteColor2.getGreen();
double g = Math.max(0,Math.min(1,g2*fraction + g1*(1-fraction)));
double b1 = gradientPaletteColor1.getBlue();
double b2 = gradientPaletteColor2.getBlue();
double b = Math.max(0,Math.min(1,b2*fraction + b1*(1-fraction)));
color = Color.color(r,g,b);
color = Color.hsb(360*fraction, 1, 1);
color = Color.hsb(360*fraction, 0.6F, 1);
color = Color.gray(0.9*fraction);
if (fraction < 0.5)
color = Color.gray(Math.max(0,Math.min(1,2*fraction)));
color = Color.gray(Math.max(0,Math.min(1,2*(1-fraction))));
int argb = 0xFF;
argb = argb << 8 | (int)(color.getRed()*255);
argb = argb << 8 | (int)(color.getGreen()*255);
argb = argb << 8 | (int)(color.getBlue()*255);
palette[i] = argb;
* Zoom in on or out from a point in the image.
* @param x x-coordinate of the point at the center of the zoom
* @param y y-coordinate of the point at the center of the zoom
* @param factor magnification or shrinking factor. If factor is
* greater than 1, zoom out. If factor is less than 1, zoom in.
* For example, factor=0.5 shrinks the x,y ranges in the image
* to half their previous size.
* @param movePointToCenter if true, then the image point at pixel
* position (x,y) is moved to the center pixel of the image after
* the zoom; if false, the point is not moved so that the pixel
* at (x,y) represents the same point after the zoom as before
* and all the other points move towards or away from that one.
public void zoom(double x, double y, double factor, boolean movePointToCenter) {
double newWidth = factor*(xmax-xmin);
double newHeight = factor*(ymax-ymin);
double centerX = xmin + ((double)x)/display.getWidth()*(xmax-xmin);
double centerY = ymax - ((double)y)/display.getHeight()*(ymax-ymin);
if (movePointToCenter) {
xmin = centerX-newWidth/2;
xmax = centerX+newWidth/2;
ymin = centerY-newHeight/2;
ymax = centerY+newHeight/2;
else {
double newXmin = centerX - newWidth*(centerX-xmin)/(xmax-xmin);
double newYmin = centerY - newHeight*(centerY-ymin)/(ymax-ymin);
xmin = newXmin;
xmax = xmin + newWidth;
ymin = newYmin;
ymax = ymin + newHeight;
xmin_requested = xmin;
xmax_requested = xmax;
ymin_requested = ymin;
ymax_requested = ymax;
display.startJob(maxIterations, palette, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax);
* Used to draw a rectangle around a portion of the image. If the parameter is null,
* then nothing is drawn (and the rectangle that was there before, if any is removed).
* Otherwise, the specified rectangle will be drawn on top of the image.
private void setZoomBox(Rectangle2D rect) {
if (zoomBox != null)
overlayGraphics.clearRect( zoomBox.getMinX() - 5, zoomBox.getMinY() - 5,
zoomBox.getWidth() + 10, zoomBox.getWidth() + 10);
zoomBox = rect;
if (zoomBox != null) {
* If a rectangle has been specified using the drawZoomBox, this method will zoom the
* image into or out of the box. The rectangle is then discarded. If there is no
* zoom box, nothing is done.
* @param zoomOut if false, the part of the image inside the zoom rectangle is magnified
* to fill the entire image; if true, the entire image is shrunk down to fit inside
* the zoom box and new parts of the picture become visible.
private void applyZoom(boolean zoomOut) {
if (zoomBox == null)
double x1, x2, y1, y2; // coordinates of corners of zoombox
double cx, cy; // coordinates of center of zoombox
double newWidth, newHeight;
x1 = xmin + zoomBox.getMinX()/display.getWidth()*(xmax-xmin);
x2 = xmin + zoomBox.getMaxX()/display.getWidth()*(xmax-xmin);
y1 = ymax - zoomBox.getMaxY()/display.getHeight()*(ymax-ymin);
y2 = ymax - zoomBox.getMinY()/display.getHeight()*(ymax-ymin);
cx = (x1+x2)/2;
cy = (y1+y2)/2;
if (zoomOut) { // (some heavy math)
double newXmin = xmin + (xmin-x1)/(x2-x1)*(xmax-xmin);
double newXmax = xmin + (xmax-x1)/(x2-x1)*(xmax-xmin);
double newYmin = ymin + (ymin-y1)/(y2-y1)*(ymax-ymin);
double newYmax = ymin + (ymax-y1)/(y2-y1)*(ymax-ymin);
xmin = newXmin;
xmax = newXmax;
ymin = newYmin;
ymax = newYmax;
else {
newWidth = x2 - x1;
newHeight = y2 - y1;
xmin = cx-newWidth/2;
xmax = cx+newWidth/2;
ymin = cy-newHeight/2;
ymax = cy+newHeight/2;
xmin_requested = xmin;
xmax_requested = xmax;
ymin_requested = ymin;
ymax_requested = ymax;
* Display the coordinates of the image point that corresponds
* to pixel coordinates (x,y).
private void doShowCoordsInStatusBar(double x, double y) {
double width = display.getWidth();
double height = display.getHeight();
double xCoord = xmin + x/width*(xmax-xmin);
double yCoord = ymax - y/height*(ymax-ymin);
// The next 10 lines try to avoid more digits after the decimal
// points than makes sense. If it succeeds the coordinates
// that are shown should differ only in their last few digits.
double diff = xmax - xmin;
int scale = 4;
if (diff > 0) {
while (diff < 1) {
diff *= 10;
String xStr = String.format("%1." + scale + "f", xCoord);
String yStr = String.format("%1." + scale + "f", yCoord);
* Defines the listeners that respond to user mouse actions on the display.
* Note that the (x,y) coordinates for the events refer to the display, since
* the listeners are registered to respond to events on the overlay canvas, which
* has the same coords as the display. Mouse drags and clicks are used for zooming
* the image. Dragging and mouse motion also show the current mouse coordinates
* in the status bar.
private double startX, startY; // Location of mousePressed event.
private boolean dragging; // True if a drag operation is in progress.
private boolean zoomOut; // True if the action will be a zoom out rather than
// a zoom in. This is set to true if the shift key
// or meta key is down for the mousePressed action.
// (Also true if the right-mouse button is used.)
private boolean moved; // During a drag operation, this becomes true if
// the mouse actually moves at least a few pixels.
// If so, the mouse action is interpreted as a
// click rather than a drag.
private boolean movePointToCenter; // True if the click point for a click
// operation should be moved to the center
// of the image; false if it should not
// be moved. This is set in the mousePressed
// routine to be true if the alt/option key
// is down (or the middle mouse button is used).
private void mousePressed(MouseEvent evt) {
// Start a mouse drag or click operation.
startX = evt.getX();
startY = evt.getY();
zoomOut = evt.isShiftDown() || evt.getButton() == MouseButton.SECONDARY;
dragging = true;
moved = false;
movePointToCenter = evt.isAltDown() || evt.getButton() == MouseButton.MIDDLE;
private void mouseReleased(MouseEvent evt) {
//Apply the zoom box to zoom in or out, if there is one,
// or, if the mouse has not moved, just zoom in or out by
// a factor of 2, with the current mouse location as center
// of scaling.
if (!dragging)
if (moved) // If moved is true, this is a drag operation, otherwise, a click.
applyZoom(zoomOut); // zoom into or out of zoom rect that user has drawn
else if (zoomOut)
zoom(startX,startY,2,movePointToCenter); // zoom out from point
zoom(startX,startY,0.5,movePointToCenter); // zoom in on point
dragging = false;
private void mouseDragged(MouseEvent evt) {
// respond to mouse drag by maybe drawing a zoom box
double x = evt.getX();
double y = evt.getY();
if (!dragging)
double width = Math.abs(x-startX);
double height = Math.abs(y-startY);
if (Math.abs(width) < 3 || Math.abs(height) < 3) {
// Too close to start point to have a zoom box.
moved = true; // Mouse has moved more than 2 pixels away from start position.
// During a draw operation, a zoom box is drawn with one corner at the
// mouse's starting position. When the mouse is released, the image
// is zoomed out from this box or into this box.
// The next 6 lines adjust the shape of the zoom box so that it matches
// the shape of the window. This is so that zooming will use the same
// magnification factor in both directions.
double aspect = (double)width/height;
double imageAspect = display.getWidth()/display.getHeight();
if (aspect < imageAspect)
width = (width*imageAspect/aspect);
else if (aspect > imageAspect)
height = (height*aspect/imageAspect);
// The next 9 lines compute the upper left corner of the rectangle,
// so that it has one corner at the start position of the mouse;
// width and height represent the size of the zoom rect.
double x1,y1;
if (x < startX)
x1 = startX - width;
x1 = startX;
if (y < startY)
y1 = startY - height;
y1 = startY;
Rectangle2D rect = new Rectangle2D(x1,y1,width,height);
private void mouseMoved(MouseEvent evt) {
// When mouse moves, show coords of its location in the status bar.
private void mouseExited(MouseEvent evt) {
// When mouse moves out of the display, get rid of the coordinate
// display in the status bar.
} // end class MandelbrotPane