import javafx.application.Application; import javafx.scene.Scene; import javafx.stage.Stage; import javafx.scene.control.Slider; import javafx.scene.control.Button; import javafx.scene.control.Label; import javafx.scene.layout.BorderPane; import javafx.scene.layout.HBox; import javafx.scene.layout.VBox; import javafx.scene.canvas.Canvas; import javafx.scene.canvas.GraphicsContext; import javafx.scene.paint.Color; import javafx.scene.paint.CycleMethod; import javafx.scene.paint.LinearGradient; import javafx.scene.paint.Stop; import javafx.scene.text.Font; import javafx.scene.transform.Affine; import javafx.scene.image.Image; import javafx.geometry.Pos; /** * This program demonstrates Transforms. Transforms controlled by sliders * are applied to a canvas in the order scale, shear, rotate, translate. * There is also a final translation that moves the origin to the center * of the canvas, so that the transformations specified by the sliders * are applied with the origin in the center. That is, the center of * the canvas is the center for scaling, shear, and rotation; those * transformations leave the center fixed. This program requires an * image resource file named face-smile.png. */ public class TransformDemo extends Application { public static void main(String[] args) { launch(args); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- private Canvas canvas; // The canvas where the figures are drawn. private Slider scaleXSlider; // Controls scaling in horizontal direction. private Slider scaleYSlider; // Controls scaling in vertical direction. private Slider shearSlider; // Controls horizontal shear. private Slider rotateSlider; // Controls angle of rotation. private Slider translateXSlider; // Controls horizontal translation. private Slider translateYSlider; // Controls vertical translation. private Button resetButton; // Resets all sliders to default value. // Transformation is the identity. private LinearGradient gradient; // A linear gradient paint. private Image smiley; // A small smiley face (from Gnome desktop) /** * Set up GUI and event handling. */ public void start(Stage stage) { smiley = new Image("face-smile.png"); gradient = new LinearGradient(0,0,50,20,false,CycleMethod.REFLECT, new Stop(0,Color.BLACK), new Stop(1,Color.LIGHTGRAY)); scaleXSlider = new Slider(-2,2,1); scaleXSlider.setBlockIncrement(0.1); // (Note: The block increment is the amount by which the value // will change, if the user hits a left/right arrow key while // the slider has the input focus.) scaleYSlider = new Slider(-2,2,1); scaleYSlider.setBlockIncrement(0.1); shearSlider = new Slider(-1,1,0); shearSlider.setBlockIncrement(0.05); rotateSlider = new Slider(-180,180,0); translateXSlider = new Slider(-200,200,0); translateYSlider = new Slider(-150,150,0); resetButton = new Button("Reset Tranforms"); resetButton.setOnAction( e -> { scaleXSlider.setValue(1); scaleYSlider.setValue(1); shearSlider.setValue(0); rotateSlider.setValue(0); translateXSlider.setValue(0); translateYSlider.setValue(0); }); VBox bottom = new VBox(10, makeInput("X-Scale: ", scaleXSlider), makeInput("Y-Scale: ", scaleYSlider), makeInput("X-Shear: ", shearSlider), makeInput("Rotate: ", rotateSlider), makeInput("X-Translate:", translateXSlider), makeInput("Y-Translate:", translateYSlider), resetButton ); bottom.setStyle("-fx-padding: 10px; -fx-border-color: #444; -fx-border-width: 4px 0 0 0"); bottom.setAlignment(Pos.CENTER); canvas = new Canvas(800,600); drawCanvas(); // (must be done after making sliders) BorderPane root = new BorderPane(canvas); root.setStyle("-fx-border-color: #444; -fx-border-width: 4px"); root.setBottom(bottom); stage.setScene(new Scene(root)); stage.setResizable(false); stage.setTitle("Transform Demo");; } /** * Creates an HBox containing a slider and a label that displays the * value of that slider. An event handler is added to the slider to * redraw the canvas when the slider value changes. */ private HBox makeInput(String text, Slider slider) { Label label = new Label(); label.setStyle("-fx-font: 14pt monospace"); label.textProperty().bind(slider.valueProperty().asString(text + "%8.2f")); slider.setPrefWidth(300); slider.valueProperty().addListener( e -> drawCanvas() ); HBox box = new HBox(10,slider,label); box.setAlignment(Pos.CENTER); return box; } /** * Fill the canvas with white, then draw some stuff, transformed * by the transforms specified by the sliders. */ private void drawCanvas() { GraphicsContext g = canvas.getGraphicsContext2D();; // Save the current state, before applying transforms. g.setFill(Color.WHITE); g.fillRect(0,0,canvas.getWidth(),canvas.getHeight()); g.translate( canvas.getWidth()/2, canvas.getHeight()/2 ); // move origin to center /* Apply transforms specified by the sliders, with the origin as the center * point for scaling, rotation and shear. */ g.translate( translateXSlider.getValue(), translateYSlider.getValue() ); g.rotate( rotateSlider.getValue() ); g.transform( new Affine(1, shearSlider.getValue(), 0, 0, 1, 0) ); // a shear transform g.scale( scaleXSlider.getValue(), scaleYSlider.getValue()); /* Draw some objects, subject to the transforms. */ g.setFont(Font.font(48)); g.setFill(Color.BLACK); g.fillText("Hello World",0,0); g.setLineWidth(5); g.setStroke(Color.RED); g.strokeRect(-200,-150,150,100); g.setFill(gradient); g.fillOval(-200,50,150,100); g.setLineWidth(2); g.setStroke(Color.BLACK); g.strokeOval(-200,50,150,100); g.setFill(Color.GREEN); g.fillRoundRect(20, 20, 200, 100, 20, 20); g.setFill(Color.BLUE); g.fillRect(50,-175,50,100); g.drawImage(smiley,-100,-20); g.restore(); // Restore the previous, untransformed state. } } // end class TransformDemo