import javafx.application.Platform; import javafx.stage.Stage; import javafx.scene.Scene; import javafx.scene.control.Button; import javafx.scene.control.Label; import javafx.scene.control.TextField; import javafx.scene.control.MenuBar; import javafx.scene.control.Menu; import javafx.scene.control.MenuItem; import javafx.scene.control.SeparatorMenuItem; import javafx.scene.layout.BorderPane; import javafx.scene.layout.HBox; import javafx.scene.layout.VBox; import javafx.scene.layout.Priority; import javafx.scene.web.WebView; import javafx.scene.web.WebEngine; import javafx.concurrent.Worker; import java.util.ArrayList; /** * This package-private class defines one browser window for use with * class WebBrowser. The window can load and display one web page at * a time. There is a text-input box at the bottom of the window * where the user can input a URL to be opened. There is a Window * menu that lets the user open a new, empty BrowserWindow, or * a BrowserWindow that will load a specified URL. The Window menu * also contains a list of currently open BrowserWindows, and the * user can bring a window to the front by selecting it from that * menu. This class is meant only for use with */ class BrowserWindow extends Stage { private WebBrowser owner; // the WebBrowser application private WebEngine webEngine; // loads and manages pages private Menu windowMenu; // holds window-related commands /** * The constructor sets up the window, and starts loading the * initial web page location, if given. It does not show the window. * @param browser the WebBrowser application that is createing this window * @param initialURL if non-null, the window will attempt to load this URL */ BrowserWindow(WebBrowser browser, String initialURL) { owner = browser; /* The WebView is the actual visual control in the window, showing a web page. * The WebEngine is responsible for loading and managing the web page. It is * the major part of the controller for the WebView. (The data model for the * web view is a data structure that contains the web page content.) */ WebView webview = new WebView(); webEngine = webview.getEngine(); /* Create controls for the bottom of the window. */ Label status = new Label("Status: Idle"); // Displays the page load status. status.setMaxWidth(Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY); Label location = new Label("Location: (empty)"); // Displays the current URL. location.setMaxWidth(Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY); TextField urlInput = new TextField(); // Where the user inputs a URL to load. urlInput.setMaxWidth(600); Button loadButton = new Button("Load"); // For loading the URL in the textfield. loadButton.setOnAction( e -> doLoad(urlInput.getText()) ); loadButton.defaultButtonProperty().bind( urlInput.focusedProperty() ); Button cancelButton = new Button("Cancel"); // For canceling a load. cancelButton.setDisable(true); // Will be enabled only when a load is in progress. /* Put together the GUI */ HBox loader = new HBox(8,new Label("URL:"), urlInput, loadButton, cancelButton); HBox.setHgrow(urlInput, Priority.ALWAYS); VBox bottom = new VBox(10, location, status, loader); bottom.setStyle("-fx-padding: 10px; -fx-border-color:black; -fx-border-width:3px 0 0 0"); BorderPane root = new BorderPane(webview); root.setBottom(bottom); root.setTop(makeMenuBar()); setScene( new Scene(root) ); /* Get a title for the window and a URL for the location label from * corresponding properties of the web engine. */ webEngine.locationProperty().addListener( (o,oldVal,newVal) -> { if (newVal == null || newVal.equals("about:blank")) location.setText("Location: (empty)"); else location.setText("Location: " + newVal); }); webEngine.titleProperty().addListener( (o,oldVal,newVal) -> { if (newVal == null) setTitle("Untitled " + owner.getNextUntitledCount()); else setTitle(newVal); }); /* The "state" of the worker that loads pages is reported in the * status label. When the worker is "running", it means that * a web page is being loaded; the "Cancel" button is only enabled * when that is true. */ webEngine.getLoadWorker().stateProperty().addListener( (o,oldVal,newVal) -> { status.setText("Status: " + newVal); switch (newVal) { case READY: status.setText("Status: Idle."); break; case SCHEDULED: case RUNNING: status.setText("Status: Loading a web page."); break; case SUCCEEDED: status.setText("Status: Web page has been successfully loaded."); break; case FAILED: status.setText("Status: Loading of the web page has failed."); break; case CANCELLED: status.setText("Status: Loading of the web page has been cancelled."); break; } cancelButton.setDisable(newVal != Worker.State.RUNNING); }); cancelButton.setOnAction( e -> { // Cancel the ongoing page load if ( webEngine.getLoadWorker().getState() == Worker.State.RUNNING ) webEngine.getLoadWorker().cancel(); }); /* Set up handlers to deal with popup dialogs from javascript on the web page, * generated by the javascript alert(), prompt(), and confirm() functions. */ webEngine.setOnAlert( evt -> SimpleDialogs.message(evt.getData(), "Alert from web page") ); webEngine.setPromptHandler( promptData -> SimpleDialogs.prompt(promptData.getMessage(), "Query from web page", promptData.getDefaultValue())); webEngine.setConfirmHandler( str -> SimpleDialogs.confirm(str, "Confirmation Needed").equals("yes") ); /* If the initialURL is not null, load that page! */ if (initialURL != null) { // load the initial web page, if any doLoad(initialURL); } } // end constructor /** * Loads a specified URL, but nothing is done if the * url string is null or empty. The string should be * a valid URL, meaning it should start with one or * more letters followed by a colon. If that is not * the case, then "http://" is prepended to the string. * Thus, it will accept a string such as "" * but will transform that to "". * (It seems like if the string is still not a legal * URL, the web engine will simply load an empty page. * It is not reported as an error.) */ private void doLoad(String url) { if (url == null || url.trim().length() == 0) return; url = url.trim(); if ( ! url.matches("^[a-zA-Z]+:.*")) { url = "http://" + url; } System.out.println("Loading URL " + url); webEngine.load(url); } /** * Create a menu bar for the window. The only menu is a "Window" menu. * It contains a "New" command that opens a new, empty window, a * "Close" command that closes this window, an "Open" command that * opens a URL in this window, and a separator bar. Before the menu * is actually shown, additional items will be added corresponding to * each open window. */ private MenuBar makeMenuBar() { MenuItem newWin = new MenuItem("New Window"); newWin.setOnAction( e -> owner.newBrowserWindow(null) ); MenuItem close = new MenuItem("Close Window"); close.setOnAction( e -> hide() ); MenuItem open = new MenuItem("Open URL in New Window..."); open.setOnAction( e -> { String url = SimpleDialogs.prompt( "Enter the URL of the page that you want to open.", "Get URL"); if (url != null && url.trim().length() > 0) owner.newBrowserWindow(url); }); windowMenu = new Menu("Window"); windowMenu.getItems().addAll(newWin,close,open,new SeparatorMenuItem()); windowMenu.setOnShowing( e -> populateWindowMenu() ); MenuBar menubar = new MenuBar(windowMenu); return menubar; } /** * This method is called when the user clicks the window menu, but before the * menu actually pops up. It removes any items beyond the four permanent * items that were added in makeMenuBar(), and it replaces them with * an item corresponding to each item in the window lists. A window * item can be used to bring the corresponding window to the front. * If there is more than one window, the menu also includes a * Close All option. */ private void populateWindowMenu() { ArrayList windows = owner.getOpenWindowList(); while (windowMenu.getItems().size() > 4) { // The menu contains 4 permanent items. Remove the other // items, which correspond to open windows and are left // over from the previous time the menu was shown. windowMenu.getItems().remove(windowMenu.getItems().size() - 1); } if (windows.size() > 1) { // Add a "Close All" command only if this is not the only window. MenuItem item = new MenuItem("Close All and Exit"); item.setOnAction( e -> Platform.exit() ); windowMenu.getItems().add(item); windowMenu.getItems().add( new SeparatorMenuItem() ); } for (BrowserWindow window : windows) { String title = window.getTitle(); // Menu item text is the window title. if (title.length() > 60) { // Let's not use absurdly long menu item texts. title = title.substring(0,57) + ". . ."; } MenuItem item = new MenuItem(title); final BrowserWindow win = window; // (for use in a lambda expression) // The event handler for this menu item will bring the corresponding // window to the front by calling its requestFocus() method. item.setOnAction( e -> win.requestFocus() ); windowMenu.getItems().add(item); if (window == this) { // Since this window is already at the front, the item // corresponding to this window is disabled. item.setDisable(true); } } } } // end BrowserWindow