package netgame.fivecarddraw; import; import netgame.common.*; /** * A PokerHub manages a networked game of Five Card Draw Poker * between two players. Each player is using a PokerWindow * as the GUI for the game. The Hub keeps track of the full state * of the game, and it sends messages of type PokerGameState to * each player reflecting what that player needs to know about * the game state. It also sends strings as messages. These * strings are simply displayed by the PokerWindow to the * user. Finally, when a game of poker ends because one player * "calls" the other, an array-of-PokerCard is sent to each player * with the contents of the opposing player's hand. *

The first message is sent when the second player connects. At * that time, the Hub sends the initial PokerGameState to both players. * In this first message, the player's hand's are null. They will * be set after the first player clicks "DEAL" to start the first game. *

As for incoming messages from the clients, the Hub recognizes: * (1) the string "deal" is sent when a player clicks "DEAL" to start * a game; (2) the string "fold" is sent when a player folds; * (3) a value of type Integer represents an amount that the player * wants to bet (the amount can be zero if the player sees or calls); * and (4) a value of type int[] when a player discards cards (the * values in the array are indices in the player's hand that the * player wants to discard). *

Programming note: When a player's hand is sent as part of * a message, it is a cloned copy of the array that is sent. This * is to make sure that no object is sent more than once, after having * been changed in the meantime. Because of this, it is unnecessary * to reset the ObjectOutputStreams that are used to send messages. * (See the reset() and setAutoreset() methods in the Hub class for * information about this issue.) */ public class PokerHub extends Hub { private PokerDeck deck = new PokerDeck(); // The deck of 52 playing cards. // The next five variables are possible values of the status variable. private final static int WAITING_FOR_DEAL = 0; // Hub is waiting for a player to click "DEAL". private final static int WAITING_FOR_FIRST_BET = 1; // Hub is waiting for the first bet (or fold) in a betting round. private final static int WAITING_FOR_BET_OR_SEE = 2; // Hub is waiting for a later bet (or call/see/fold). private final static int WAITING_FOR_FIRST_DRAW = 3; // Hub is waiting for the first player to discard cards. private final static int WAITING_FOR_SECOND_DRAW = 4; // Hub is waiting for the second player to discard cards. private int status; // The basic game status, one of the preceding 5 values, telling what message the hub is expecting. private int currentPlayer; // The ID number (1 or 2) of the player who is to send the next message. // Note that the ID number of the opposing player is always 3-currentPlayer. private int dealer; // The ID number (1 or 2) of the "dealer" for this game. Player #1 deals the first hand, // then the deal alternates between players. The dealer's opponent is the first to bet // in each betting round. private boolean firstBettingRound; // There are two rounds of betting, one before discarding // cards and once after discarding cards. This variable // tells which round is currently in progress. private int amountNeededToSee; // If status is WAITING_FOR_BET_OR_CALL, this is the amount // of money that is needed to "SEE" the previous bet. It is // the minimum possible bet amount. If the actual bet is equal // to this amount, then the current round of betting ends. private boolean previousGameTied = false; // This is set to true at the end of a game in the // unlikely case that the two player's hands are of exactly // the same value. In that case, the "pot" stays on // the table for the next game. private PokerCard[][] hand = new PokerCard[2][5]; // The two player's hands. hand[0] belongs // to Player #1; hand[1] belongs to Player #2. private int[] money = new int[2]; // money[0] is the amount of money that Player #1 has left; // money[1] is the amount of money that Player #2 has left. // These values are initialized to 1000 at the start. They // can become negative, and nothing is done about it if they do. private int pot; // The total amount of money that has been bet in the current game (or in the // game that has just finished). /** * Creates a PokerHub listening on a specified port. */ public PokerHub(int port) throws IOException { super(port); } /** * When the second player connects, this method starts the game by * sending the initial game state to the two players. At this time, * the players' hands are null. The hands will be set when the * first hand is dealt. This method also shuts down the Hub's * ServerSocket so that no further players can connect. */ protected void playerConnected(int playerID) { if (playerID == 2) { shutdownServerSocket(); dealer = 1; currentPlayer = 1; money[0] = 1000; money[1] = 1000; sendToOne(1, new PokerGameState(null,PokerGameState.DEAL,1000,1000,0)); sendToOne(2, new PokerGameState(null,PokerGameState.WAIT_FOR_DEAL,1000,1000,0)); sendToAll("Ready to start the first game!"); } } /** * If a player disconnects, the game ends. This method shuts down * the Hub, which will send a signal to the remaining connected player, * if any, to let them know that their opponent has left the game. * The client will respond by terminating that player's program. */ protected void playerDisconnected(int playerID) { shutDownHub(); } /** * This is the method that responds to messages received from the * clients. It handles all of the action of the game. When a message * is received, this method will make any changes to the state of * the game that are triggered by the message. It will then send * information about the new state to each player, and it will * generally send a string to each client as a message to be * displayed to that player. */ protected void messageReceived(int playerID, Object message) { if (playerID != currentPlayer) { // This should not happen, assuming there are no bugs and the // connected clients are in fact PokerClients. This test and // other tests in this method are included mostly for debugging. System.out.println("Error: message received from the wrong player."); return; } if (message.equals("deal")) { if (status != WAITING_FOR_DEAL) { System.out.println("Error: DEAL message received at incorrect time."); return; } // Suffle the deck, deal the cards, add a $5 ante from each player to the pot, and start the game. deck.shuffle(); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { hand[0][i] = deck.dealCard(); hand[1][i] = deck.dealCard(); } money[0] -= 5; money[1] -= 5; if (previousGameTied) { pot += 10; previousGameTied = false; } else pot = 10; currentPlayer = 3 - dealer; // Dealer's opponent will bet first. status = WAITING_FOR_FIRST_BET; // Start the first round of betting. firstBettingRound = true; sendState(PokerGameState.BET_OR_FOLD, PokerGameState.WAIT_FOR_BET); sendToAll("Cards have been dealt. $5 ante."); } else if (message.equals("fold")) { if (status != WAITING_FOR_FIRST_BET && status != WAITING_FOR_BET_OR_SEE) { System.out.println("Error: FOLD message received at incorrect time."); return; } // The game ends because the currentPlayer folded. The opponent of the player who folded wins. gameOver(3-currentPlayer, "Your opponent has folded.","You folded"); } else if (message instanceof Integer) { // A bet. if (status != WAITING_FOR_FIRST_BET && status != WAITING_FOR_BET_OR_SEE) { System.out.println("Error: BET message received at incorrect time."); return; } // Apply a bet. A bet of 0 indicates that the first player to bet has "PASSed". int bet = (Integer)message; if (bet < 0 || (status == WAITING_FOR_BET_OR_SEE && bet < amountNeededToSee)) { System.out.println("Error: Illegal bet amount received."); return; } // Move the bet amount from the player's money to the pot. (No change if bet is 0.) pot += bet; money[currentPlayer-1] -= bet; // Update the state and inform the players. if (status == WAITING_FOR_FIRST_BET) { // This was the first bet in a betting round. Betting continues. The other // player must match the amount of the bet (or fold). sendToOne(currentPlayer, "You bet $" + bet); sendToOne(3-currentPlayer, "Your opponent bets $" + bet); currentPlayer = 3-currentPlayer; amountNeededToSee = bet; status = WAITING_FOR_BET_OR_SEE; if (firstBettingRound) sendState(PokerGameState.RAISE_SEE_OR_FOLD_ROUND_1,PokerGameState.WAIT_FOR_BET); else sendState(PokerGameState.RAISE_CALL_OR_FOLD_ROUND_2,PokerGameState.WAIT_FOR_BET); } else if (status == WAITING_FOR_BET_OR_SEE) { // This was not the first bet in a betting round. if (bet == amountNeededToSee) { // If the bet is the amount needed to match the opponent's bet, // then the betting round ends. (This is a "SEE" or "CALL".) if (firstBettingRound) { // The first betting round has ended; proceed to the discarding of cards. sendToOne(currentPlayer, "You see. First round of betting ends."); sendToOne(3-currentPlayer, "Your opponents sees. First round of betting ends."); currentPlayer = 3-dealer; // The same player who bet first, draws first. status = WAITING_FOR_FIRST_DRAW; sendState(PokerGameState.DRAW,PokerGameState.WAIT_FOR_DRAW); } else { // The second betting round has ended; the game ends. checkCardsAtEndOfGame(); } } else { // The player matches the opponent's bet and raises; the betting round ends. // The opposing player must match the amount by which the player's bet // exceeded the minimum that that player had to bet to match the previous bet. amountNeededToSee = bet - amountNeededToSee; sendToOne(currentPlayer, "You see the bet and raise by $" + amountNeededToSee); sendToOne(3-currentPlayer, "Your opponent sees your bet and raises by $" + amountNeededToSee); currentPlayer = 3 - currentPlayer; if (firstBettingRound) sendState(PokerGameState.RAISE_SEE_OR_FOLD_ROUND_1,PokerGameState.WAIT_FOR_BET); else sendState(PokerGameState.RAISE_CALL_OR_FOLD_ROUND_2,PokerGameState.WAIT_FOR_BET); } } } else if (message instanceof int[]) { // A list of card indices to be replaced if (status != WAITING_FOR_FIRST_DRAW && status != WAITING_FOR_SECOND_DRAW) { System.out.println("Error: DISCARD message received at incorrect time"); return; } // Replace the cards that the player discarded. int[] cardNums = (int[])message; PokerCard[] currentPlayerHand = (currentPlayer == 1)? hand[0] : hand[1]; for (int i = 0; i < cardNums.length; i++) { currentPlayerHand[cardNums[i]] = deck.dealCard(); } sendToOne(currentPlayer,"You draw " + cardNums.length + " cards"); sendToOne(3-currentPlayer,"Your opponent draws " + cardNums.length + " cards"); if (status == WAITING_FOR_FIRST_DRAW) { // This was the first player to draw; proceed to the opposing player's draw. currentPlayer = 3 - currentPlayer; status = WAITING_FOR_SECOND_DRAW; sendState(PokerGameState.DRAW,PokerGameState.WAIT_FOR_DRAW); } else { // This was the second player's draw; proceed to the second round of betting. currentPlayer = 3-dealer; status = WAITING_FOR_FIRST_BET; firstBettingRound = false; sendState(PokerGameState.BET_OR_FOLD, PokerGameState.WAIT_FOR_BET); } } } // --- The remaining methods are called by messageReceived() to do some of its processing --- /** * When the game ends because one player has "called" the other, this method * will be called to compare the players' hands and determine the winner. * Objects of type PokerRank are used to assign rankings to each hand. */ private void checkCardsAtEndOfGame() { PokerRank[] rank = new PokerRank[2]; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { rank[i] = new PokerRank(); for (PokerCard c : hand[i]) rank[i].add(c); } int winner; // 0 if Player #1 wins; 1 if Player #2 wins; -1 if they are tied. if (rank[0].getRank() > rank[1].getRank()) winner = 0; // Player #1's hand has higher rank. else if (rank[0].getRank() < rank[1].getRank()) winner = 1; // Player #2's hand has higher rank. else winner = -1; // Players' hands have the same rank. sendToOne(1,hand[1].clone()); // Send opponent's hand to Player #1. sendToOne(2,hand[0].clone()); // Send opponent's hand to Player #2. if (winner != -1) { // One of the players won. gameOver(winner+1,rank[winner] + " beats " + rank[1-winner], rank[winner] + " beats " + rank[1-winner]); } else { // Game was a tie. sendToAll("The result is a tie. The pot stays on the table."); previousGameTied = true; dealer = 3-dealer; // Dealer's opponent becomes dealer for next game. currentPlayer = dealer; status = WAITING_FOR_DEAL; sendState(PokerGameState.DEAL,PokerGameState.WAIT_FOR_DEAL); } } /** * This method is called when the game ends and there is a winner. It gives the pot to the * winner, sends each player a message about the outcome of the game, changes the state * to get ready for the next game, and sends a state message to each player. * @param winner The ID number -- 1 or 2 -- of the player who won the game. * @param winnerMessage A message to be sent to the winning player. * @param loserMessage A message to be sent to the losing player. */ private void gameOver(int winner, String winnerMessage, String loserMessage) { sendToOne(winner, "You win. " + winnerMessage); sendToOne(3-winner, "You lose. " + loserMessage); // "3-winner" is the ID number of the loser. money[winner-1] += pot; // The winner takes the pot; pot amount is added to winner's money. dealer = 3-dealer; // Dealer's opponent becomes dealer for the next game. currentPlayer = dealer; // The dealer will have to start the next hand by clicking "DEAL". status = WAITING_FOR_DEAL; sendState(PokerGameState.DEAL,PokerGameState.WAIT_FOR_DEAL); } /** * This method is used by messageReceived() to send state messages to both * players. * @param currentPlayerState The state of the player who makes the next move. * One of the status values from the PokerGameState class. * @param opponentState The state of the opposing player. * One of the status values from the PokerGameState class. */ private void sendState(int currentPlayerState, int opponentState) { int player1State, player2State; // The states for Player #1 and #2. if (currentPlayer == 1) { player1State = currentPlayerState; player2State = opponentState; } else { player2State = currentPlayerState; player1State = opponentState; } if (status == WAITING_FOR_BET_OR_SEE) { // Send a state message including an amount needed to see. sendToOne(1, new PokerGameState(hand[0].clone(),player1State,money[0],money[1],pot,amountNeededToSee)); sendToOne(2, new PokerGameState(hand[1].clone(),player2State,money[1],money[0],pot,amountNeededToSee)); } else { // Send a state message without an amount needed to see. sendToOne(1, new PokerGameState(hand[0].clone(),player1State,money[0],money[1],pot)); sendToOne(2, new PokerGameState(hand[1].clone(),player2State,money[1],money[0],pot)); } } }