import javafx.application.Application; import javafx.scene.control.*; import javafx.scene.layout.*; import javafx.scene.Scene; import javafx.stage.Stage; import javafx.geometry.Insets; /** * This simple program demonstrates several GUI components that are available in the * Java FX library. The program shows a window containing a button, a text input * box, a choice box (pop-up menu), and a text area. The text area is used for * a "transcript" that records interactions of the user with the other components. */ public class GUIDemo extends Application { /** * This main routine allows this class to be run as an application. This is * required for running Java FX programs in some versions of Java, but should * not be necessary in more recent versions. */ public static void main(String[] args) { launch(args); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * This constructor adds several GUI components to the panel and sets * itself up to listen for action events from some of them. */ public void start(Stage stage) { GridPane root = new GridPane(); // I will put the transcript area in the right half of the // pane. The left half will be occupied by a grid of 4 rows // and two columns. Each row contains a component and // a label for that component. root.setHgap(8); root.setVgap(10); root.setPadding(new Insets(5,5,5,5)); TextArea transcript = new TextArea(); transcript.setEditable(false); transcript.setPrefRowCount(7); transcript.setPrefColumnCount(20); root.add(transcript, 2, 0, 1, 4); Label lab = new Label("Push Button:"); root.add(lab, 0, 0); Button b = new Button("Click Me!"); b.setOnAction( e -> transcript.appendText("Button was clicked\n\n") ); root.add(b, 1, 0); lab = new Label("Checkbox:"); root.add(lab, 0, 1); CheckBox c = new CheckBox("Click me!"); c.setOnAction( e -> transcript.appendText("Checkbox was toggled\n\n") ); root.add(c, 1, 1); lab = new Label("Text Field:"); root.add(lab, 0, 2); TextField t = new TextField("Type here!"); t.setPrefColumnCount(10); t.setOnAction( e -> transcript.appendText( "Pressed return in TextField\nwith contents: " + t.getText() + "\n\n") ); root.add(t, 1, 2); lab = new Label("Pop-up Menu:"); root.add(lab, 0, 3); ComboBox combobox = new ComboBox<>(); combobox.getItems().addAll("First Option", "Second Option", "Third Option", "Fourth Option"); combobox.setValue("First Option"); combobox.setOnAction( e -> transcript.appendText("Selected " + combobox.getValue() + " from menu\n\n") ); root.add(combobox, 1, 3); root.setStyle("-fx-border-width: 3px; -fx-border-color: darkblue"); Scene scene = new Scene(root); stage.setScene(scene); stage.setTitle("GUIDemo");; stage.setResizable(false); } } // end class GUIDemo