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Solution for Programming Exercise 10.5

This page contains a sample solution to one of the exercises from Introduction to Programming Using Java.

Exercise 10.5:

This is a short exercise in using the stream API. Suppose that the class Score is defined as

class ScoreInfo {
    String firstName;
    String lastName;
    int score;
    Score( String lName, String fName, int s ) {
        firstName = fName;
        lastName = lName;
        score = s;

and that scoreData is an array of ScoreInfos containing information about the scores of students on a test. Use the stream API to do each of the following tasks:

You can put all of the code in main() routine and include ScoreInfo as a static nested class. Do not use any for loops or other control structures. Do everything using the stream API. For testing your code, you can use this array:

private static ScoreInfo[] scoreData = new ScoreInfo[] {
        new Score("Smith","John",70),
        new Score("Doe","Mary",85),
        new Score("Page","Alice",82),
        new Score("Cooper","Jill",97),
        new Score("Flintstone","Fred",66),
        new Score("Rubble","Barney",80),
        new Score("Smith","Judy",48),
        new Score("Dean","James",90),
        new Score("Russ","Joe",55),
        new Score("Wolfe","Bill",73),
        new Score("Dart","Mary",54),
        new Score("Rogers","Chris",78),
        new Score("Toole","Pat",51),
        new Score("Khan","Omar",93),
        new Score("Smith","Ann",95)


In each case, to process the values from the array using the stream API, we need to make a stream containing those values. That's done by calling Arrays.stream(scoreData). From there, we just need to apply the appropriate stream operators to get the desired results. I have added some comments on each of the assigned tasks to the program.

The Solution

import java.util.List;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;

 * This program tests the stream API by doing various computations.
public class StreamTest {

     * Data for one student about a score on a test.
    private static class ScoreInfo {
        String firstName;
        String lastName;
        int score;
        ScoreInfo( String lName, String fName, int s ) {
            firstName = fName;
            lastName = lName;
            score = s;
     * A test array of StudentInfo that will be used to create streams.
    private static ScoreInfo[] scoreData = new ScoreInfo[] {
            new ScoreInfo("Smith","John",70),
            new ScoreInfo("Doe","Mary",85),
            new ScoreInfo("Page","Alice",82),
            new ScoreInfo("Cooper","Jill",97),
            new ScoreInfo("Flintstone","Fred",66),
            new ScoreInfo("Rubble","Barney",80),
            new ScoreInfo("Smith","Judy",48),
            new ScoreInfo("Dean","James",90),
            new ScoreInfo("Russ","Joe",55),
            new ScoreInfo("Wolfe","Bill",73),
            new ScoreInfo("Dart","Mary",54),
            new ScoreInfo("Rogers","Chris",78),
            new ScoreInfo("Toole","Pat",51),
            new ScoreInfo("Khan","Omar",93),
            new ScoreInfo("Smith","Ann",95)
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        /* The number of students can be computed simply by applying
         * the .count() operation to a stream created from the array. */
        long count = Arrays.stream(scoreData).parallel().count();
        System.out.println("Number of students: " + count);
        /* To get the average, use the .sum() operation, and divide by count. */
        int total = Arrays.stream(scoreData).parallel()
                              .mapToInt( s -> s.score )
        System.out.printf("Average grade:  %1.2f%n", (double)total/count );
        /* To get the number of students who got an A, first filter the
         * stream letting through only students who satisfy the
         * predicate  s -> s.score >= 90.  This predicate returns true
         * only for students whose score is greater than or equal to 90.
         * The number is then computed by applying .count() to the 
         * resulting stream. */
        long countA = Arrays.stream(scoreData).parallel()
                   .filter( s -> s.score >= 90 )
        System.out.println("Number who got an A: " + countA);
        /* To get a list of names of students who failed, first filter
         * the stream to let through only ScoreInfo objects with score
         * less than 70.  Since we want the names of students, we need
         * to convert the stream of ScoreInfo objects into a stream
         * of strings by applying a mapping operation.  Then applying
         * .collect(Collectors.toList()) produces the List that we need. */

        List<String> failing = Arrays.stream(scoreData)
                                          .filter( s -> (s.score < 70) )
                                          .map( s -> (s.firstName + " " + s.lastName) )
                                          .collect( Collectors.toList() );
        /* Now we need to print the list, which can easily be done with
         * a for-each loop.  However, it can also be done using .forEach()
         * operation on a stream.  In this case, the String Consumer in the
         * .forEach() operation is given as the method reference 
         * System.out::println.  That is, it is the println() method in the
         * object System.out.  This method reference is the same as writing
         * the lambda expression  s -> System.out.println(s).  */
        System.out.println("Failing students: ");
        failing.stream().forEach( System.out::println );
        /* To print the data ordered by last name, apply the .sorted() operation
         * to sort the values in the stream by last name, then use .forEach()
         * to output the information from each ScoreInfo object in the stream. 
         * The .sorted() operation takes a parameter that is a Comparator for
         * comparing two values from the stream.  In this case, we just
         * compare the lastNames from two ScoreInfo objects, using the standard
         * compareTo() method for Strings. */
        System.out.println("Data sorted by last name:");
             .sorted( (s1,s2) -> s1.lastName.compareTo(s2.lastName) )
             .forEach( s -> System.out.printf(
                                 "  %s, %s: %d%n", s.lastName, s.firstName, s.score) );
        /* The data can be output ordered by score in the same way, using a
         * different comparator in the .sorted() operation. */
        System.out.println("Data sorted by score:");
             .sorted( (s1,s2) -> s1.score - s2.score )
             .forEach( s -> System.out.printf(
                                 "  %s, %s: %d%n", s.lastName, s.firstName, s.score) );
} // end StreamTest

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